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英国和法国各有一杯入账。England and France have each won once.

商誉作为一项无形资产入账。Goodwill is booked as an intangible asset.

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是啊。你要入账的,对吧?Yeah. You have to account for that, right?

管理月度税务调整和入账。To supervise monthly tax adjustment and booking.

他现在还不能马上回家,他正在结算今天的现金收入账。He can't go home right now, he is still cashing up.

奥多姆,克里斯。米姆和安德鲁。拜纳姆都有10个篮板入账。Odom, Chris Mihm and Andrew Bynum each had 10 rebounds.

存货按成本值与可变现净值两者中之较低者入账。Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

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帕齐尼在桑普多利亚时期,5战米兰也有3球入账。Pacini time at Sampdoria 5 there are 3 balls war accounted for Milan.

这家商店将你所买的东西记入账内,让你以后付款。This store will charge things you buy, and let you pay for them later.

所有组织都按历史成本将非消耗性设备入账。All organizations valued non-expendable equipment on a historical cost basis.

迈阿密热火主场123比96击败菲尼克斯太阳,克里斯波什有35入账。Miami Heat defeated the Phoenix Suns by 123 to 96. Chris Bosh scored 35 points.

使用相应信用卡在系统中入账使总额成零,在系统中退房。Post credit charge into computer to make balance to zero and check out room in computer.

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记录折旧费用是一笔将已入账的成本进行分摊的调整分录。The recording of depreciation expense is an adjusting entry which apportions a recorded cost.

本赛季在安菲尔德利物浦共有16球入账,其中的七个是在欧联杯的比赛中打入的。Seven of the 16 goals Liverpool have scored at home this season have come in this competition.

如选择银行入账,请保留入数纸票据作核对之用。To settle payment by bank deposit or ATM, please keep the transferal receipt for verification.

借贷双方金额相等,必须完整地记入账薄。Both effects, which are equal in amount, must be entered completely in the bookkeeping records.

三分入账之后,利物浦超越热刺升到了联赛第五。双方将在周日狭路相逢。In collecting three points Liverpool leapfrogged Tottenham into fifth. The two sides meet on Sunday.

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这些没有入账的债务当中最大头的部分就是地方政府和国有银行的负债。The largest of these off-the-books obligations have been incurred by local governments and state banks.

请款后您的帐户会被审核,高级会员请款后30天内入帐,初级会员60天内入账!Your payment will be processed within 30 days as a Premium member and within 60 days as a Standard member.

第五条通存通兑业务遵循“实时入账、定时清算”的原则。Article 5 The USW business shall adhere to the principle of "real-time account entry, fixed-time settlement."