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他固然身体不好,可是任务起来很卖力气。He worked hard, though still poor in health.

无论他在哪儿干活,他总是很卖力气。No mater where he works, he is always working hard.

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中国队非常的卖力气,这使他们很难战胜。China's aggressiveness makes them a difficult team to beat.

鲍勃工作很卖力气,他还主动加班工作。Bob is working very hard and he even offered to work overtime.

做得不算顶好,罗宾,但要论卖力气我给你打满分。Not brilliant, Robyn, but I'll give you ten out of ten for effort.

农民不仅更卖力气干活,而且常常起早贪黑地干也心甘。The farmer not only worked harder, but often reveled in his longer hours.

这句话地意思是“你地工作还有改进地余地”,看儡脬可得卖力气地干活了!There is room for improvement in your work It is not as good as it could be.

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这句话的意思是“你的工作还有改入的余地”,看来你可得卖力气地干活了!There is room for improvement in your work, It is not as good as it could be.

他为了能揽到一个卖力气挣钱的活计,受尽了委屈和侮辱。In order to get him to a money selling effort work, suffered injustice and insult.

我这么卖力气就是为了保护她,我也不知道除了这个我还能为她做什么。I bent over backward, trying to defend her. I don't know what else I can do for her.

经理以解雇来威胁职工,迫使他们更卖力气。The manager threatened his men with dismissal in order to bully them into working harder.

千百年来,只要凭卖力气、流汗水换饭吃,任何职业都是值得尊敬的。Any profession was worthy of respect to men who for centuries earned bread by the sweat of their brows.

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有一回克拉伦斯·奔森在自家的屋顶上铲雪太卖力气了,就躺下来休息一会。Clarence Bunson once worked so hard shoveling snow off of his roof that he had to lie down on the roof.

如果一个服务员肯卖力气干活,那么就很有可能升为招待员。If a server has proven themselves with blood, sweat, and tears, they may be so lucky to be promoted to bartender.

所以,当他们感到在薪酬上被俱乐部所欺骗,在赛场上被高薪水队友的光芒所遮掩,这个时候,这些球员可能会在训练中少卖力气,而在比赛中多吃独食。Instead, reducing one's efforts or playing more selfishly may occur if a player feels cheated out of a salary or overshadowed by a well-paid star.