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杰克逊死亡案再开庭,其生前照片令人揪心不已。Michael Jackson images dominate opening of death trial.

每每狂风大作,暴风骤雨,我都无法入眠,为远去的他担忧揪心。While up aloft, in storm or gale, from me his absence mourn.

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负疚感是做错事后一种揪心、堵心的感受。It is the brooding, pit-of-the-stomach sense of having done wrong.

她的调查非正统,靠直觉,最终,让观众揪心。Her investigation is unorthodox, intuitive and ultimately agonizing.

事实上,事实上,构成这幅揪心画面的不仅仅是警方的报告。Indeed, it's not just police reports that paint a troubling picture.

刺猬在一点点拔自己身上的刺,每拔一下都是一阵揪心的痛,每一次都痛在鱼的心上。Every thorn plucked is pain on the Porcupine's body and Fish's heart.

倘若是我们自己的父母,哪一个儿女不为之揪心?!If it is our own parents, sons and daughters of which it is not Jiuxin ? !

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但愿中不要象法那样去竭力维护法语,揪心其影响力和纯洁。I wish to do not like to maintain law and its influence and French anxious.

所以我们仍然还会揪心地咬着指甲,即便我们“知道”这只不过是一场傻瓜的电影。And so we bite our fingernails even though we “know” it’s just a silly movie.

我爱的汉子花心也揪心,以是我越多情就越无情。I love the men flower heart also due, so I be more affectionate more ruthless.

以水美而著名的太湖最近着实让人揪心。With water in Taihu Lake known for the United States recently is a lot worried.

诺维茨基的投篮总是那么得让人揪心,单脚后仰跳投。Nowitzki looks like he's taking difficult shots while he's fading away on one foot.

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我从未这样激动,感动,揪心甚至害怕,仅仅是因为这个战争故事。Never before have I been so excited, moved, heartbroken or terrified by a war story.

但愿你的眼睛永远不象我的眼睛这样,淌出暴雨般的烫人的、揪心的泪水。May your eyes never shed such stormy, scalding, heart wrung tears as poured from mine.

我的女友喜欢跳伞,每次我看她跳伞的时候,我都很揪心。My girlfriend loves sky-diving. Every time I see her do it , It gives me a heart-attack.

这部描写一个小孩之死的电影真让我揪心。The film about the death of a young child was one that really tugged at my heartstrings.

因此,露西和西德尼·卡登之间的会晤带有一种使我们感到揪心的凄楚的气氛。And so that interview between Lucie and Sydney Carton has a pathos that wrings our hearts.

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时辰让本人记得那些滴着血的画面,无力的挣扎,揪心的痛楚。Keep myself remember those drops of blood picture, feeble struggle, so concerned the pain.

更加让人揪心的是阿什利科尔和阿隆·列侬,他们的伤病还存有疑问。more worrying are the injuries which put question marks over Ashley Cole and Aaron Lennon.

清风舞明月,幽梦落花间,两眉间,相思尽染,揪心。Breeze dance to the moon, falling between two dream, glabella, Acacia to make dye, anxious.