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他们在哪儿吃中饭?Where do they eat lunch?

你要不要去吃中饭?Do you want to go to lunch?

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谢谢你。下回中饭我请。Thank you. Next time lunch is on me.

我们该在哪儿吃中饭呢?Where shall we go to eat lunch today?

把马关进围栏后,我们就吃中饭。After we corral the horses we'll have lunch.

一些朋友过来吃中饭的时候谈到这个词。Some friends over lunch suggested this word.

“”今天中饭你给我们做什么吃的,小老鼠?“”What are you making us for lunch today, Mousy!

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我们可以到免下车的餐厅吃中饭。We can go to the drive-in restaurant for lunch.

回到火车上已经快到早中饭的时间了。Back on board, it was soon time for an early lunch.

而且还可以防止自己不在中饭和晚饭暴饮暴食。It might also prevent food binges at lunch or dinner.

吃中饭的时候你的眼睛一直盯着那个蛋糕陈列架!You've had your eye on the cake display all lunchtime!

我们在四四南村里的一家餐厅中吃中饭。We had lunch at the restaurant in the 44 South Village.

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在东京的一个餐馆里,山本先生正在点餐吃中饭。At a restaurant in Tokyo, Sukeyasu Yamamoto orders lunch.

我打电话给你,是想知道明天一起吃顿中饭怎样?I'm calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow.

我们可以把这些冷肉片煎一下作为中饭。We can fry up some of these pieces of cold meat for our lunch.

火车还有小时才开,其间可以吃中饭。The train won't leave for an hour. Meanwhile we can have lunch.

费伯想去“大东方饭庄”吃中饭。Faber contemplated going into the Great Eastern Hotel for dinner.

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回到吉米的办公室,我们吃了中饭并见了几位政治家。Back at Jimi’s centre we eat lunch and meet some local politicians.

你朋友泰瑞莎打电话过来,她想约你明天吃中饭。Your friend Teresa called. She wants to have lunch with you tomorrow.

你们星期一中饭吃什么?我们吃西红柿、豆腐和鱼。What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.