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他因向检察长行贿而被警方拘捕。He was arrested for subsidizing the chief procurator.

区检察长对盗用公款者提出起诉。The district attorney has a good suit against the embezzler.

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罗德尼.斯莱特放弃了为州检察长史蒂夫.克拉克工作,到我这里来帮忙。Rodney Slater left Attorney General Steve Clark’s staff to help.

最后,她回到艾奥瓦州,在首席检察长办公室工作。Eventually, she went back to Iowa to work in the Attorney Generals office.

该州总检察长办公室将决定是否就此案件提请上诉。The state attorney general's office will decide whether to appeal the case.

检察院隶属于司法部,司法部长兼任总检察长一职。The office of Prosecutor-General is subordinated to the Ministry of Justice.

1977年,我作为检察长为了温泉城的慈善事业和他打过一场球。In 1977, as attorney general, I shot pool with him for a charity in Hot Springs.

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在法律界首屈一指的总检察长艾琳娜?卡根有望接替他。Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general, led the field of those hoping to replace him.

对于怎么衡量这些积压的东西,FBI和检察长持不同意见。The F.B.I. and the inspector general disagreed over how to measure those backlogs.

埃及总检察长称将成立委员会专门对这次暴力事件展开调查。Egypt’s prosecutor-general said he would form a committee to investigate the violence.

由五个审判官,检察长和一群果断的陪审官所组成的可怕的法庭每天都在开庭。The dread Tribunal of five Judges, Public Prosecutor, and determined Jury, sat every day.

参议院确认her-and总检察长的椅子上回到橱房。The Senate confirmed her-and the attorney general's chair went back into the Cabinet Room.

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施特莱夫总检察长随后的微博客的口气显得似乎既不专业又很刺耳。The tone of Attorney General Shutleff's subsequent Tweets seem strident and unprofessional.

如果是在国外的美国公民,将被举报给国家和地区检察长给予起诉。US citizens abroad will be reported to national and local attorney-generals for prosecution.

在法律界首屈一指的总检察长艾琳娜•卡根有望接替他。Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general, led the field of those hoping to replace him. See article

此时,检察长先生站起身来,绞起了绞索,磨起了斧头,把钉子钉进了断头墩。Attorney-General rose to spin the rope, grind the axe, and hammer the nails into the scaffold.

检察官经检察长提名,由行政长官任命。Procurators shall be nominated by the Procurator-General and appointed by the Chief Executive.

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但FBI反驳说,检察长报告把那些录音资料的副本重复计算到总数里了。But the F.B.I. argued that the inspector general report was double-counting duplicate recordings.

这位前任州检察长和国会议员是地道的主流民主党人。The former state attorney general and congressman seems like a perfectly decent mainline Democrat.

她从来没当过法官,但曾经当过亚利桑纳州州长和检察长。She has never been a judge, but has served as governor and attorney general of the state of Arizona.