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你应该制止他到处打探的作法。You'd better stop him nosing about.

有时侯,聊上十分钟她们就会打探豪厄尔的婚姻情况。Sometimes they hinted at marriage after a 10-minute talk.

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我向素不相识的人们打探我一直想知道的事。I got to ask total strangers the things I'd always wanted to know.

他默默地收拾起文件,离开办公室,去打探更多的消息。He gathered his papers silently and left the chamber to discover more.

他在一辆巴士上见到了他未来的新娘,就要他的父母去打探情况。He had seen his bride on the bus and asked his parents to make inquiries.

雷诺一个劲地打探总统的两个宝贝女儿玛利亚和莎夏何时能得到宠物小狗。Leno pressed him on when daughters Malia and Sasha would get their pet dog.

当记者们打探是否捉到了凶手时,他说“无可奉告”。He said, “No-comment” when the reporters asked him if the killer was arrested.

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沈怀玉派人四处打探占元下落,始终没有消息。Shen Huaiyu sent out around the yuan has not accounted for the whereabouts of news.

国君派将士去打探,但没有一个人能找到回去的道路。The king ordered his officers to inquire about the way, but failed to get any answer.

晚上,瑞薏未见瑞嘉回家,便到「威震江湖」的家里打探瑞嘉消息。Evening, job no luck fine home, then to a sublime rivers lake of home rui jia message.

我四处打探,人们告诉了我无数关于砖厂的事“他说。I started asking around and people told me stories about the brick factories, " He said.

当巫师再次走动起来,它停在藤蔓丛生的矮墙边,四下打探。When the wizard started walking again, it stopped by a short, vine-covered wall, watching.

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在紫外线照射的环境下,2只母鱼较为喜欢打探公鱼。Females from both populations preferred males viewed through the UV-transmitting partition.

沈星闻言勃然大怒,训斥艾米多管闲事打探他人隐私。ShenXing smell speech flew into a rage and scolded Amy assume find out other peoples privacy.

赛尔夫威胁他,试着打探出“公司”总部的解码器藏在哪里。Self threatens the man to find out where the Company hides the decoder box in its headquarters.

夏侯娟无法向段家打探凤三下落,转移向舅父桑德了解。Xiahou paragraph we are unable to spy on chicken three whereabouts, transfer to uncle Thornton.

过去经常对我很友好的人现在盯着我看,好像我是一个窘迫的冒失鬼,认为我在打探他们的隐私。People who used to be amicable so gaze on me as if I'm a abashed daredevil, thinking I'm bugging.

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客栈内,张启山三人欲打探消息,却发现众人三缄其口,神情古怪。Inside inn, Zhang Qishan three people to elicit information, only to find that the mum, look weird.

一场温柔的夏雨过后,睡梦中的枣树才不慌不忙地睁开了双眼,打探着周围的世界。A gentle summer rain after sleep calmly until the jujube opened his eyes, he gave the world around them.

行动组打探得知力行社的情报也来自陆世强,他们也继续进行跟踪。Action group asking for intelligence also learned what clubs from Liu Shijiang, they also continue to track.