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眼镜蛇会闻乐起舞吗?。Do Cobras Really Dance To Music?

洛塔兴奋地跳起舞来。Lotta danced round in excitement.

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欢快的起舞,就像没人旁观一样。Dance as if nobody is waching you.

因此,如果你来到这儿,就准备好起舞吧。So if you come, be ready to dance.

那么说,你跳起舞来照例总得要谈上几句吗?Do you talk as a rule while dancing?

帽子拐杖也跳起舞来.The hat and crutch are also dancing.

我们,随著热情的音乐,起舞。Following the yeasty music, we dance.

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让思想和露珠,百合起舞。Let mind dance with dew and daffodil.

细线,微尘于午后起舞lint and dust dances in the afternoon

观赏她双足起舞蹁跹。And watch her feet, how they can dance.

起舞蹁跹头点啄。Tossing their heads in springtly dance.

有几个人应声而起,跳起舞来了。Several men jumped up and jigged around.

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那老俩口子站起并开始跳起舞来。Those old stoop up and started to dance.

我们会像印弟安人一样在火边起舞!We'll dance around it like wild Indians!

露重,风寒,曲起舞翩翩。Lu heavy, cold, song dance Innocent Steps.

这个塑料胶袋就和我跳起舞来,像一个小孩求我陪他玩。Like a little kid, begging me to play with it.

他开始一边唱歌,一边转圈跳起舞来了。He started to sing and to dance the tarantella.

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那么说,你跳起舞来照例总得要谈上几句吗?Do you talk by rule then, while you are dancing?

见过杨柳在微风中起舞。I've seen the willow leaves dancing in the breeze.

树灵起舞之处,种苗发芽,百花盛开。Where dryads dance, seeds sprout and flowers bloom.