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这边儿请。This way, please.

这边的热量是。q1 And it's got q1.

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所以,这边是一个点。So there is one point.

这样我们这边就有六票了。So now we have six here.

这边是液相。This is the liquid phase.

我们准备把你们都赢到我这边。I'm going to win you over.

还是这边的男士What--gentleman here again.

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这边是我们的主看台。This side is our grandstand.

到炉火这边来吧,女士们。Come up to the fire , ladies.

嗨,四眼佬,到这边来。Hey, four-eyes, get over here.

所以这边是密西根。So this is Michigan over here.

到这边来,我拿几条给你看看。Come here. Let me show you some.

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他们从这边看起来真小!They look so small from up here!

我们往过道这边来一点Let' s stick in this aisle a bit.

看看这边的杯垫。Look at these coasters over here.

问问他们是否站在你这边。Ask them if they stood up for you.

你赶快到国王这边来。Do thou hasten to the king's side.

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然后这边的这段代码的意思就是。It first calls it on that problem.

这边是拉乌尔定律。On this side here is Raoult's law.

请走这边,从这台闸机出站。Please go this way, use this gate.