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不如饮美酒,被服纨与素。As the wine, Wan and clothing.

当我们今天洗脚时,让我们被服事的爱来洗涤。So as we wash feet today, let us be "washed" by the Lord's attitude of loving service.

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目的研究臭氧被服消毒机消毒效果的影响因素。OBJECTIVE To study the influence factors acted on germicidal efficacy of a bed unit ozone sterilizer.

研究人员开发出了一种长效胶囊,当这种胶囊被服下时,会将药物缓慢释放到人体内。Researchers have developed a long-lasting capsule that, when swallowed, slowly releases medicine into the body.

至于发刷梳子及被服等个人物品,应用热水及洗涤剂清洗。Personal belongings such as brushes , combs , bed linen and clothes should be washed with hot water and detergent.

解决给养被服等困难问题,也往往在这个时候。This is usually also the time for tackling the difficult problem of getting food supplies, bedding, clothing, etc.

目的观察微波被服消毒机杀菌效果及消毒相关性能。Objective To observe germicidal efficacy and disinfection-related properties of the microwave clothing disinfector.

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公司生产经营家纺布料系列,床上被服系列,真丝丝毯系列,靠垫系列等。Our company manufacture and deal household textile fabrics series, bed cover series, silk blanket series, cushion series, etc.

用载体定量杀菌试验和现场消毒试验观察了床单位臭氧消毒器对医院被服类物品消毒效果。Carrier quantitative germicidal test and field disinfection trial were used to observe the efficacy of Bed Unit Ozone Disinfector in disinfection of hospital bedding and clothing.

可以说,“在按时供给前线以武器、弹药、粮食、被服等军事活动中,后勤运输部门是具有决定作用的。”It can be said that "in supplying the front line with weapons, ammunition, food, clothing and bedding in time and other military activities, logistics transport sector is a decisive role."

这次俘获了一千五百名俘虏,三十八门大炮,许多旗帜,还有哥萨克们认为最重要的马匹、马鞍、被服,以及其他许多东西。They had taken fifteen hundred prisoners, thirty-eight cannons, flags, and, what was of most consequence in the eyes of the Cossacks , horses, saddles, coverings and various other objects.

观察BFJ-2000A型被服消毒除臭机的消毒效果,进行了载体定量杀菌试验与现场消毒试验。In order to observe the disinfection efficacy of BFJ-2000A-type clothing disinfection and deodorization machine, carrier quantitative germicidal test and field disinfection trial were carried out.