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绝句和断章。Rhyme and broken chapter.

却学得了诗词、颂歌、绝句来替代。And has learned poetry, odes, and quatrains instead.

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小明喜欢读唐诗,尤其是其中的绝句。Xiaoming likes Tang poetry very much, especially its quatrains.

他的诗多写江湖田园风光,七言绝句尤其新颖、优美,富有生活情趣。Most of his poems with a nature-pastoral theme are original, elegant and full of life.

七言绝句是唐代诗歌中最具代表性的体裁之一。The seven-character quatrain is one of the most representative forms of the Tang poetry.

七言绝句受到民歌的启发,写得明快清新,富有生活气息和地方色彩。Inspired by ancient ballads, he wrote many elegant and original verses imbued with lift and local flavour.

至于说猩猩,即便他们是写五言绝句的好手,恐怕也难上报纸头条了。As for apes, they would hardly make headlines any more if they were found to be adept at composing limericks.

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古绝句在魏晋南北朝经历了从稚嫩到成熟的发展历程。The Ancient Jueju experienced a history course from simple to mature during the period of Wei Jin South and North.

鲍照是试验和创作古绝句的急先锋,在句式上开了唐人绝句的先河。Baozhao was a pioneer in the process of experiment and writing. And he made a new creation on the style of sentence.

李维桢的诗歌各种体裁兼备,尤其擅长七言,其七言古诗、七言律诗、七言绝句均较好地体现了他的才情与学识。His poems had all kinds of poetic forms, especially seven-syllable poems that embodied his talent and learning well.

李益是中唐前期著名的诗人,诸多诗体中,李益最擅长的七言绝句。Li Yi is one of the famous poets of early Mid-Tang Dynasty. In many Poetic Style, he was expert at seven words quatrains.

这个备受引述他的神秘绝句16世纪的医生和预言家一直是历史上最受尊敬的预言家。This much-quoted 16th century physician and prognosticator with his cryptic quatrains has been the most respected seer in history.

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这些审美新变化对中晚唐绝句、乃至宋代绝句都产生了深远的影响。Those new aesthetics changes generate far-reaching influence to rhyme of middle Tang and late Tang dynasty even rhyme of Song dynasty.

常读诗书常用心,笔下留文笔要勤。古风绝句自然写,情怀感悟修自身。Often read a common heart, keep writing under the pen to ground. The archaic quatrains natural writing, sentiment sentiment to repair itself.

左图的圆上可从任一字开始,都能读成五言绝句,请问你可吟读出多少首五言绝句?Each word on the circle can be a starting any word of a complete Five-Character Quatrain reading around circle. How many Five-Character Quatrains are there?

辽代绝句诗创作始于耶律倍,圣宗以后在艺术上逐渐成熟,终于到耶律弘基、萧观音臻于艺术水平的最高点。The creation of Jue Ju in Liao Dynasty started from Yelu Bei, matured after Emperor Shengzhong, and reached the acme with the creations of Yelu Hongji and Xiao Guanyin.

但这首绝句的创作时间和背景,却众说纷纭,而比较一致的时间是在“东渡前”即1917年9月。However, there's actually a wide spectrum of opinions on the written time and the background. The relative coherent time is in September 1917 before he set sail to Japan.

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王安石的绝句以婉丽精工著称,师法晚唐诗又有所新变,在继承唐诗的同时也显现出了宋诗自身的特质。Thanks to his efforts, Wang's quatrains became noted for their grace and delicacy, thus distinguishing the Song poems from their Tang counterparts, which they were greatly indebted to.

劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人”唐代大诗人王维的这首杰作,可谓千古绝句,经配曲吟唱,广为流传。Persuade more to make a glass of wine-jun, West of Yang Guan reason people" in the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei's first masterpiece of this, quatrains is eternal, with music by singing, widespread."