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公交车路线容量?。Capacity of Bus Line?

高容量的问题。High volume problems.

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两者总容量为8192字节。Total size is 8192 bytes.

容量将在何时释放?When will capacity free up?

它的净容量为195升。Its net capacity is 195 liters.

新iPhone将有更快的处理器和更大的内存容量Speedier processor and more RAM

充满质感,1.8升最大容量。Maximum capacity can reach 1.8L.

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提升射速和弹夹容量。Advanced rapid-fire and capacity.

提高上弹速度和弹夹容量。Advanced reload speed and capacity.

集装箱或容器的装载容量。A container holding or measuring a peck.

与其他全球用户容量。Interact with other mBit users globally.

它的油箱被浓缩成了一个容量500毫升的饮料瓶。Its gas tank is a 500ml beverage bottle.

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遥控电池容量太低。Remote-control battery capacity too low.

你想要更大的容量,还是安全第一呢?Doyou want space or do you want security?

油流中的间隙表示未使用容量。Gaps in oil flow indicate unused capacity.

在床上大摆得到更大的容量。Large swing over bed gets greater capacity.

你们能看到和听到的是一面容量的墙。What you see also hear is a containment wall.

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您是否有大容量消息或业务对象?Do you have a large message or business object?

什么是大静电容量微调电容器?。What are large-capacitance Trimmer Capacitors ?

赠送对方一瓶容量为一加仑的M&M's。Fill a one-gallon glass jar with them as a gift.