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看来我还是一个性情中人呀。I am still a sensitive guy.

字中人真呢是少啊。现在…The thing is the human must.

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烟稞浪中人点点。He waves people little smoke.

他是一个能鼓舞人心的同道中人。He's an inspiring fellow human.

爱中人!我将永远立在这里,阿门。Loverman! Here I stand Forever, Amen.

布什是性情中人怎么翻中英语?。Bush is a person in the middle of sex?

乐园中人变成了流放者和流浪者。The gardeners became exiles and wanderers.

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谁是选民,谁是局中人So who are the voters, who are the players?

还有无数的心中人情致心中。The hearts of countless people fantastic mind.

看到这一切,街垒中人大笑起来。On seeing this, the barricade burst into a laugh.

元淳,女道士,洛中人。存诗二首。Yuan Chun, Nvdao Shi, Luo human. Two Poems deposit.

那么野外中人和狼在一起是否安全呢?So how safe would people be with wolves in the wild?

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在无数溢美之词中人们宣布了“她”的到来。Her arrival was announced with unrestrained razzmatazz.

个体发育中人的面部和脑颅各按不同模式生长变化。The face and Braincase follow different patterns of growth.

局中人数目变化的最小费用支撑树对策问题。The player number decreasing minimum cost spanning tree game.

而我,这个圈中人,却不明白这一切是如何发生的。And I, the ring myself, do not understand how it all happened.

前世一别即永远,情坠不见闺中人。The previous one don't forever, love fall do not see in person.

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体验一下瓦尔哈拉伟大会堂中人的大能。Experience the might of those who reside in Valhalla's great halls.

他可能对他的党派中人百般迎合,但威胁却真真实实地存在着。He may be pandering to his Tea Party members, but the threat is real.

贵族中人对新进之人当其腾达之时常露嫉妒之情。Men of noble birth, are noted to be envious towards new men, when they rise.