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一个值班人员。An operator on duty.

我与工作人员进行了交谈。I have talked with staff.

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下载开发人员工具箱。Download the developer kit.

通过招聘人员的那一关。Getting past the recruiter.

他是职业外交人员。His profession is diplomacy.

气象人员怎么说的?What did the weatherman say?

因为这里人员流动很频繁。because turnover's so quick.

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他是扬克斯的一个销售人员。He was a salesman in Yonkers.

在同样的区域,会有不同宗教信仰的人员混合。In the same areas, and mixed.

那个管理人员试图帮忙。The caseworker tried to help.

志愿人员在受训。The volunteers are in training.

美国馆工作人员准备工作。USAP Staff get ready for event.

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所有人员均撤出危险区。All persons outside danger area.

你就是那个特效制作人员?。Are you the special effects guy?

人们都像他一样是临时人员。We are all temporaries like him.

他身边没有公关人员替他出谋划策。He has no PR people advising him.

他是首批到达的人员之一。He was among the forst to arrive.

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我是个骨髓捐献的在册人员。I am on the bone marrow register.

他们都像我一样是临时人员。They are all temporaries like me.

我们正在精简人员。We are downsizing our work force.