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欣然前往你会不会?Would you even go?

艾前往早矢香的半身像。Ai going for Sayaka's bust.

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然后布兰登前往智利。And Brandon left for Chile.

1943年,聂鲁达前往秘鲁。In 1943 Neruda went to Peru.

很少有人是为了玩偶而前往。Few were there for the dolls.

他们大多数人都前往海滩。Most of them go to the beach.

众人准备好前往泰和楼。All ready for the tai he floor.

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敬辞如何前往邮政局?。How do Iget to the post office?

是日由原居地出发,乘客机前往台北。Depart from home city to Taipei.

前往海关办理结关手续。Go to the Customs for clearance.

他的灵魂正在前往天堂的路上。His soul's on its way to heaven.

当时卡西尼号是在前往土星的途中。Cassini was on its way to Saturn.

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前往煎茶网站看规格。Go to sencha website to see specs.

在冬日里,我前往这个购物商场。In the winter I head for the mall.

前往柴湾列车即将到达。The train to Chai Wan is arriving.

一位挤牛奶的姑娘正要前往市场。A milkmaid was going to the market.

或许,将前往华盛顿州?And go to Washington State perhaps?

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前往远处蓝色的原野,哦哦!Off to the wild blue yonder! Wheeee!

前往东涌嘅列车即将到达。The train to Tung Chung is arriving.

前往油麻地的列车即将到达。The train to Yau Ma Tei is arriving.