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我们花费了数月才得以顺藤摸瓜。We spent a few months was able to follow it.

他要迅速撕开这口子,顺藤摸瓜把水手找出来。He quickly tore open the wound, immediately instructed the crew to find out.

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我顺藤摸瓜找到了问题的根源,也已经把它解决了。I was able to track down the source of the problem and had it dealt with already.

银行里的员工发现了科克,记下了他的车牌号,警方顺藤摸瓜将其逮捕。Employees inside spotted Koch and got a license plate number that led police to him.

之后警方顺藤摸瓜逮捕了另外两人。The arrest of the driver, Tharin Gartrell, 28, led authorities to the two other men.

然后运行程序,看系统是否提示错误,再顺藤摸瓜去解决。Run a program next, see a system whether hint mistake, again track down by following clues goes solving.

他们藤藤下成长,所以我可以使用,顺藤摸瓜,追究他们和它的一个伟大的替代赌注!They grow under wisteria vines so I can use the vine to hold them up and its a great alternative to staking!

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起获这件作品后,警方顺藤摸瓜,锁定其余失窃艺术品下落。Recovered after this work, the police immediately instructed to lock the whereabouts of the other stolen works of art.

如果一个怀疑对象最终被公开认定与革命卫队公司有关系,政府机构就能更好的进行认定其身份及活动范围并“顺藤摸瓜”。If a business thought to be IRGC-related is publicly identified, government agencies can better investigate its identity and operations.

读者的乐趣就在于根据故事里隐含的线索顺藤摸瓜,试图在作者揭开谜底之前找到正确答案。The fun for the reader is in following the clues hidden in the story and trying to reach the correct solution before the author reveals it.

警方相信,根据这一线索顺藤摸瓜,最终将有望追回全部8500万欧元被劫珠宝!Police believe, based on deeper investigation of the clues will eventually recover all the 85 million euros is expected to be robbed jewelry!

但是如果所有的问题都汇集到联合国那么这常常会掩盖这些问题之间的联系并且不能根据这些联系顺藤摸瓜寻找到这些问题的真正解决之道。But if the problems come together at the U.N., so do the often hidden connections among them—and through those connections, the ways to real solutions.

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在他的公关人员顺藤摸瓜查到是他在大放厥词后,马世民“澄清”了自己的言论。他也许认为,自己是“政治正确”这一潮流的受害者。Mr Murray, who "clarified" his remarks after his public relations people tracked him down, probably thinks of himself as a victim of political correctness.

朗格首先发现了一种特殊的基因变异,然后顺藤摸瓜,找到了厄瓜多尔南部山区的一群有莱伦氏综合症的人。Longo's research led him first to a particular type of genetic mutation and ultimately to the mountains of southern Ecuador to study people with Laron syndrome.

英格兰西北部肯特郡两名窃贼偷窃一口锅炉,不料锅内的水滴落在地上结冰,警方“顺藤摸瓜”,抓获这两人。North West Kent, England, two thieves steal a boiler, only to fall to the ground pot of water droplets freeze, the police, "six steps", and arrested the two men.

民警立即调整办案策略,并获取了犯罪嫌疑人新的网络犯罪线索,于是顺藤摸瓜,跟踪追击。The policeman is adjusted instantly handle a case politic, got guilty suspect's new network crime clue, then track down by following clues, dog pursue and attack.

武梅本想顺藤摸瓜查出间谍组织幕后指挥“银狐”,不料反而中了“银狐”圈套。Wumeiben thinks behind the curtain of espionage of fish of track down by following clues is directed " silver fox " , unexpectedly medium instead " silver fox " decoy.

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台州警方抓住这条线索后,顺藤摸瓜,终于找到了关于这家神秘的诺基亚手机店老板的确切线索。After stage state police holds this clue, track down by following clues, found the Nuojiya about this penates secret eventually the exact clew of boss of mobile phone inn.

为救黑风寨,张富贵带着贾三顺藤摸瓜查找线索,发现刺刀队在大车店使了调包计,还找到了藏粮之处。To save the black breeze Zhai, Zhang Fugui with Jia Sanshun vine to touch the melon to find clues, found in the shop cart bayonet team switch, also found in grain storage.