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靠着炉火暖和一下。Warm up by the fire.

炉火中劈啪劈啪地爆溅出煤渣。The fire sputtered cinders.

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到炉火这边来吧,女士们。Come up to the fire , ladies.

爸爸正在炉火旁打盹。Dad was snoozing by the fire.

炉火炽烈。The stove is burning fiercely.

我在炉火前烤火取暖。I roasted myself before the fire.

水在炉火上加热。The water is warming on the stove.

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她在炉火上烘手。She warmed her hands over the fire.

在炉火上手工箍制的桶。hooped by hand at the forge's fire.

炉火、有毒的烟雾——想都别想!The fire, the toxic fumes—forget it!

炉火熄灭后,寒气逼人。I grew chilly when the fire went out.

你可以到炉火旁边烤干你的衣服。You can dry your clothes by the fire.

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或是整晚在炉火边厮磨、并开怀大笑。Or spent nights at the fire, laughing.

炉子里添了煤,炉火又重新燃烧起来。She warmed a pan of soup on the stove.

炉火照亮了对面的墙壁。The fireplace flamed the opposite wall.

我能想像出在炉火边暖脚的样子。I imagine warming my feet near the fire.

她从炉火那边转过身看着他说。She turned from the fire to look at him.

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他们挤在炉火边取暖。They bunched around the fire for warmth.

你可以烤着炉火打毛衣。You can knit a sweater, by the fireside.

我原来是躺在你如炉火般温暖的怀抱里的。I have Ur arms around me ooooh like fire.