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呵呵,我还是第一次见到如此大只的马陆呢!It was my first time seeing such a huge millipede !

平时,马陆看起来像是对人类无害的生物。Normally, a millipede looks like a harmless creature to humans.

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上海奥美尼齿轮有限公司成立于1994年,位于嘉定区马陆镇。Omni Shanghai was established in year 1994 and located in Jiading district.

但对于微小的探险队员而言,身怀致命毒液的马陆可是危险至极。However, for the micro-sized crew, a millipede is of great danger due to its deadly fluid.

在马陆网的建设过程中,得到了嘉定区领导、东方网的大力支持。The construction process of Malu Web got great supports from Jiading District's leaders and eastday. com.

西门子威迪欧汽车电子在中国有四家工厂,分别在长春,芜湖,广东惠州和上海马陆。西门子威迪欧在全球拥有55家工厂。We have four locations in China. They are Changchun, Wuhu, Huizhou, Shanghai Malu. SV has totally 55 factories all over the world.

就在林援越在罗伊的坟墓旁痛哭流涕的时候,突然,马陆带着一队刑警包围住了他。On in LinYuanyue cries one's heart out in nearby the Luo Iraq's grave, suddenly, Ma Ludai a row criminal police is surrounding him.

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古马陆从石炭纪类似甲壳类的生物中进化而来,它的体形之所以长得如此庞大,是因为当时大气层中氧的百分含量高的缘故。Arthropleura evolved from crustacean-like creatures in the Carboniferous, and grew so large because of the high percentage of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere at that time.

上海捷固金属制品有限公司地处上海嘉定区马陆镇马东开发区,占地6000平方米,建筑面积2500平方米。Shanghai Jiegu Fasteners Co, . Ltd is located at Madong Industry Jiading District Shanghai. It's area is about 6000 square metres, among which its building area is about 2500 square metres.

马陆网的建设是一个不断完善的过程,我们将不断推出新内容,敬请各界人士提出宝贵的意见和建议。The construction of Malu Web is a process which completes unceasingly and we will promote new content unceasingly. We need people from all walks of life give us precious advice and suggestion.