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我们还对他们生活的其他方面略知一二。We know other things about their lives as well.

他总算对涉及到的各种因素略知一二了。He had by now an inkling of the factors involved.

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使我高兴的是,我儿子对义大利语也略知一二。To my joy, my son knows a thing or two about Italian.

日本人对自然灾害还是略知一二的。The Japanese know a thing or two about natural disasters.

同时比卢普斯也对总决赛的防守也略知一二。And Billups knows a thing or two about championship defense.

我的名字是杰斯特,关于这座建筑略知一二。My name is Jester , and I know a thingortwo about this place.

关于针灸和按摩,我略知一二。拔火罐是怎么回事?。I know a little about acupuncture and massage. What's cupping?

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宾对生存和复兴略知一二。Bing knows a thing or two about survival–and about resurrection.

我两年前的夏天在横滨住过,所以我略知一二。I lived in Yokohama two summers ago, so I know a little about it.

作为一名可再生能源教授,他对这项技术略知一二。As a profe or of renewable energy, he already knew about the technology.

但是我对情况也略知一二,我知道每个样本调查费都在增加。But I do know a few things. I know that the cost of every U. S. sample survey is going up.

我随即感觉到我跟邻里间产生了一种前所未有的亲切感,在那之前我对他们只是略知一二。I immediately felt a new intimacy with my neighbors, whom I had known only casually before.

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如果你对运作养老基金的方法略知一二,这将让你变成一个聪明的投资者。Understanding the edge enjoyed by people who run pension money can make you a smarter investor.

对我们中学生来说,我们或许只是一个正在叩响法治大门的学生,又或许对所谓的法律只是略知一二。For our students, we are just students who first get to know laws and know only a little about it.

猫王,这个对甜甜圈略知一二的人,他的音乐充斥着整个店。The music piped through the building is Elvis Presley, a man who knew a thing or two about doughnuts.

这里我也只是,强调一些你可能已略知一二的知识,你们教材里面有相关的细节Again, I'm just trying to highlight things you already know a little bit about, the book describes the details.

修复工作中花费的大量心思也许可以从工程所用的时间当中略知一二。One indication of the great care with which the renovation was undertaken is perhaps the time the project took.

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相信每一个追着看完HBO“权力的游戏”第一季的观众也应该对此略知一二了。Anyone who has followed his work on HBO, where the first season of “Game of Thrones” recently ended, knows that too.

要为我们的设计应用作用域和不朽内存,首选需要对其工作原理略知一二。Before we can apply scoped and immortal memory to our design, we need to understand a little more about how they work.

从这皮靴所使用的布料和样式,我们可以对阿伊努与环太平洋的其它民族的联系略知一二。Looking at the garment and the boot designs we can see the cultural connection with other neighboring people in the Pacific Rim.