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谁给我一杯啤酒,我要借酒浇愁!Someone get me A BEER to cry into!

顾可馨便每天在家借酒浇愁。Gu Kexin at home every day to drink it.

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约翰在酒吧里借酒浇愁。John is in the bar drowning his sorrows.

昨天晚上我看到他在借酒浇愁。Last night I saw him crying in his beer.

他们之间的经常争吵迫使他借酒浇愁。Their frequent quarrelling drove him to drink.

有的人喜欢借酒浇愁。Some people like to drown their troubles in drink.

那个人借酒浇愁,想忘掉自己的问题。That man turned_to_drinking to forget his problems.

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当妻子离他而去时他只好借酒浇愁。When his wife left him he had to recur to drinking.

他情绪越低落越是借酒浇愁。The more depressed he get, the more he turn to drink.

在妻子去世后,他整天借酒浇愁。He drowned his sorrows in drink all day after his wife died.

演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。His show biz suddenly drop, so he abreact depend on alcohol.

演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。The acting career plummeted suddenly, he relied on alcohol to release.

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有的情况会使人借酒浇愁,这是不难理解的。It is understandable that certain situations might drive anyone to drink.

威廉姆斯的父亲,消委会威廉姆斯,是一个旅行商和借酒浇愁。Williams's father, CC Williams, was a traveling salesman and a heavy drinker.

文彦正在楼上的阳台借酒浇愁,看见世贤送品如回家来。WenYan was upstairs balcony alcohol, saw the Yin send product such as come home.

蒙禁酒令之恩,美国人甚至连想借酒浇愁都不行!Americans couldn't even have a drink to drown their sorrows, thanks to prohibition.

但整个晚上她都在为罗斯和朱丽的事伤心,借酒浇愁。She spends the whole date obsessing about Ross and Julie, and drinking too much wine.

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翩翩闻得一元随佳期远赴云南,非常恼怒,晚上在酒馆借酒浇愁。And smell a dollar with the ritual went to yunnan, very angry, night at the pub to drink.

如果一个人在花费时间借酒浇愁,他便是在丧失追求幸福的大好时光。If one is spending his time in crying his beer , he is losing his time to become a happy man.

儿子就在身边却不肯认本人,心中苦闷的凤娇只好借酒浇愁。Son is near refused to recognize himself, in the heart of anguish chicken jiao went to drink.