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爸爸可能阵亡了!Father mightbe dead!

双方都有士兵阵亡。Soldiers fell on both sides.

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事实上他很有可能已经阵亡了。In fact he's probably K. I. A.

仅仅在受勋后的第三天,威利也阵亡了。Just three days later he was shot down.

救护车的驾使员有时也有阵亡的。Ambulance drivers were killed sometimes.

他们把这些牺牲者埋葬在他们阵亡的地方。They buried the victims where they fell.

阵亡的士兵被颂扬为英雄。The fallen soldiers were eulogized as heroes.

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在战役重现中参与者们假装阵亡。Participants play dead during the re-enactment.

那是因为你已经去了天堂,阵亡了!For you are in Elysium , and you're already dead!

他当天就在亨利身边力战阵亡。And that day he was slain, fighting by Henry's side.

下周一,美国市场将因阵亡将士纪念日休市一天.U.S. markets will be closed Monday for Memorial Day.

三名护林员和五名刚果士兵阵亡。Three rangers and five Congolese soldiers were killed.

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在雨季阵亡的人数似乎有所下降。The body count seems to go down during the rainy season.

他们把金属送到澳大利亚阵亡将士纪念馆做分析。They sent it to the Australian War Memorial for analysis.

在过去的两个月中,阵亡总人数就达到18人。A total of 18 have been killed during the last two months.

我以为他阵亡了,可是他还活着。I thought he was killed at the war. But he is still alive.

美军在伊拉克阵亡的人数已超愈了911的死亡人数。U. S military deaths in Iraq have exceeded those from 911.

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我小心地穿行在阵亡战友们的残躯之间。I step carefully around random pieces of deceased brethren.

嗯,英勇的以色列士兵昨天阵亡了两万二千五百名!Well, therewas 22, 500 soldiers of Israel killed yesterday.

据报导,有十多名土耳其军人也在战斗中阵亡。More than a dozen Turkish solders were also reported killed.