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是软铁的衔铁。Is armature of soft iron.

如果马拒绝,让马闻薄荷的同时再试着将衔铁放入。If they don't take the bit, try again while they smell the peppermint.

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剩磁装置可包括铁心壳和衔铁。The residual magnetic devices can include a core housing and an armature.

可卸式衔铁拆下盘状衔铁及中心螺丝后,钛桩对MRI影像几乎没有影响。After removing the keeper from titanium post keeper, the post had no artifact on MRI.

最后,规则里面还说,马匹应当被允许轻轻的咀嚼衔铁。Finally, the rule book states that a horse should be allow to "quietly chew the bit".

通过调整衔铁和铁心之间的间隙大小可以调节喇叭的音调。It can adjust trumpet's tone by adjusting clearance size of gag bit and small pontil.

设计中在减小运动质量的同时,考虑降低空气阻尼的影响,采取在衔铁上打孔的措施。Holes are bored in the armature to decrease moving mass and reduce air damped effects.

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对于拒绝衔铁的马可以让它们闻胡椒薄荷,然后给它吃。For horses that refuse to take a bit, let them smell a peppermint. Then give it to them.

同时,我也相信如果你不用足够的衔铁的力量,你就不能有好的手的辅助。At the same time, I also believe that you can't have good hands if you don't have enough bit.

如果马嘴没能开始咀嚼衔铁,这个等待的时间不应超过20秒。This moment should not be longer than 20 seconds if the horse does not start mouthing the bit.

完美解决长期停运状态下摩擦息与衔铁的粘黏现象。Thorough elimination of adhesion between friction plate and armature after stopping for long time.

接下来的日子重复做这样的工作,但先别让马闻胡椒薄荷,而是先尝试让马接受衔铁。The next day do the same thing, but don't let them smell a peppermint. Just try to give them the bit.

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同时每次使用衔铁器具和过紧的鼻革,训练都很快停止。At the same time, every time I use a gadget bit or over tighten a noseband , training comes to a stop.

马勒要有一个衔铁穿过马嘴和缰绳,以便骑手控制马匹。The bridle has a bit that goes in the horse's mouth as well as reins to help the rider guide the horse.

如果马依然拒绝衔铁,那么先给它们一小块儿胡椒薄荷片儿,当马张开嘴的时候,将衔铁放进去。When they open their mouths, put the bit in. One little piece of peppermint with a bit won't hurt them.

利用吸引线圈产生磁场,吸引衔铁并闭合触点。Relay which uses the electromagnetic field of a coil to attract an armature and close the contact points.

一条穿过马下颚的绳子或皮带,与马衔铁连接用来控制马。A chain or strap that passes under a horse's lower jaw and serves in conjunction with the bit to restrain the horse.

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英式马缰是一条长皮带,两端固定在衔铁上,搭放在马颈上方。English reins are one long leather strip that attaches to each side of the bit and hangs on the back of the horse's neck.

另外在直流接触器中,将衔铁进行了阻尼处理,并讨论了衔铁吸合时的振动特性。The armature switching is treated as damping in a relay, the vibration characteristics of the armature switching are discussed.

经研究发现,铁芯长度、衔铁长度以及线圈电阻为电磁系统的关键设计参数。By the study found that core length, length of armature coil resistance for the electromagnetic system the key design parameters.