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图形菜单。Graphics Menu.

选择哪个图形库?Which graphics library?

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我最喜欢的图形是圆形。What shape is it, Mocky?

引脚O是一个在网格的图形。Pin O has one on-grid shape.

听录音并给图形填色。Listen and colour the shapes.

有效提示的PMA图形旋转。PMA figure rotation with cue.

她把纸折成各种图形。She folds paper into figures.

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功能完善的图形接口!A functional graphics interface

一个模糊的图形出现了。A vague figure is materializing.

这块布有格子花的图形。The cloth has a chequer pattern.

图形菜单操作,全新感受。Image menu operation, new feeling.

西里尔图形字符集。The Cyrillic graphic character set.

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红叉表示丢失的图形。A red X indicates a missing graphic.

这是一个三维图形。This is a three- dimensional figure.

CC的图形提花,金色的皮革制造。Gold leather shoes with signature CC.

这只是一个简单的图形控制。It's just a simple graphical control.

嵌花编织在中心前面的图形。Intarsia knit graphic at center front.

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将图形文件发送给编辑。Send the artwork files to your editor.

矢量圆几何信息图形集。Vector circle arrows infographics set.

添加恰当的图片和图形。Adding appropriate images and graphics.