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泰晤士报地图册并不属于泰晤士新闻报。The Times Atlas is not owned by The Times newspaper.

多梅尼卡利在接受泰晤士报采访时说到。Domenicali said in an interview with the Times newspaper.

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再买一份泰晤士报。它是获取商业信息的必读报纸。And buy the Times. I think it's a must to get business news.

从上星期—的泰晤士报上我得知巨星劳伦斯奥立佛的死。Laurence Oliver, the great star's death in the Times last week.

泰晤士报关于王子大婚的独家新闻令很多人惊奇不已。Everyone was surprised by the Times exclusive about the prince' marriage.

我希望在下周的星期日泰晤士报上看到一个突出的头版新闻。I want a front page retraction – due prominence – in next week's Sunday Times.

促成这一结果的原因可能是BRT比泰晤士报更受欢迎,也可能是汽车拥有者没有投票。Either the BRT is more popular than the Times believed, or car-owners don't vote.

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在泰晤士报对他进行访谈时,徐先生发誓将尽他的所能去反抗。In an interview with The Times, Mr Xu vowed to take his protest to the highest level.

在2010年泰晤士报“优秀大学”评选中,埃克塞特大学的通用工程学在全英排名第七。Ranked 7th in the UK for General Engineering in The Times Good University Guide 2010.

伊莉莎的案子于三月九日在中央法院审理,第二天泰晤士报报道了此事。Her case came up at the Old Bailey on 9 March and was reported in the Times the next day.

例如,泰晤士报周日还报道了应对国内反恐努力的花费情况For example, The Times also reported Sunday on spending for domestic antiterrorism efforts

博士,英国泰晤士报的医生,在泌尿生殖诊所工作多年。Dr Thomas Stuttaford, the Times doctor, spent many years working in a genitourinary clinic.

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特索罗发言人麦克马西告诉泰晤士报公司与所有的调查机构配合。Tesoro spokesman Mike Marcy told The Times it is working with all the investigating agencies.

很久以后,泰晤士报引用这个短语来表达十九世纪六十年代的经济萧条。Much later, the Times of London newspaper used the expression about bad economic times during the 1860s.

泰晤士报访问了可口可乐的英格兰球星,这份合约正帮助他适应公众人物的身份。The Times meets the England star whose Coca-Cola duties are helping him adjust to his role-model status.

通过一系列的逐步的整合过程,新奥尔良现在只有一家主流日报,泰晤士报-皮卡尤恩。Through a process of gradual consolidation, New Orleans now has only one major daily, the Times-Picayune.

泰晤士报谈及的“勉强许可”是大臣们对数十亿英镑的年度奖金的态度。The Times talks of a "grudging go-ahead" from the prime minister for a multi-billion pound round of bonuses.

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泰晤士报说,詹姆斯是伊朗后裔,可以说流利的普什图语。普什图语是阿富汗的一个主要语种。The Times said James is of Iranian descent and also eaks fluent Pashtun , one of the main languages in Afghanistan.

泰晤士报说,詹姆斯是伊朗后裔,可以说流利的普什图语。普什图语是阿富汗的一个主要语种。The Times said James is of Iranian descent and also speaks fluent Pashtun, one of the main languages in Afghanistan.

据泰晤士报道,多年来布隆伯格一直反对吸烟,但这是盖茨基金的一项新成果。Bloomberg has spoken out against smoking for years, but this is a new effort by the Gates Foundation, the Times reports.