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你们是我获得的礼物,都得听我使唤,我才是你们的主人。You are the gifts I gained. I ' m your owner.

她想回答,但舌头却不听使唤了。Her tongue failed her when she tried to reply.

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有时我觉得自己使唤在逃避!Sometimes I feel oneself orders in the elusion!

难道说你的手不听使唤了。You 're not allowed to disappear from my world!

狱长便把王尊当听差在身旁使唤。The warden put me in the side when the king who.

我们拉绳风帆不听使唤。The sails are not answering to our pull on the ropes.

记住,当你储蓄之时便是开始使唤你的财富为你服务之时。When you save, you are making your money work for you.

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我们大多数人都不喜欢被别人使唤。Most of us don’t like it when people try to boss us around.

太难想象有谁能使唤比尔盖茨!It is very hard to imagine anyone bossing around Bill Gates.

他想笑,但他的嘴不听使唤。He wanted to chuckle, but he could not tell his mouth to do it.

“我想去拥抱他,但是我全身不听使唤,”李女士说道。“I wanted to hug him, but I couldn’t move my body, ” Ms. Li said.

你们是我获得的礼物,都得听我使唤,我才是你们的主人。Don ' t be puffed up! You are the gifts I gained. I ' m your owner.

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我亲爱的儿子,现在我的脚不听使唤,不能走远路了。My dear son, nowadays, I could hardly keep my feet and walk farther.

风还在起,衣裙还是不听使唤,红灯还在亮…The wind is still, the dress or lose control, red light is still bright.

意大利是个堕落的小贱人,心甘情愿被俄罗斯使唤。" And "Italy is a little pervert who has become Russia's willing bitch!"

罗巴特III型机器人不仅有枪,还有一群蜘蛛型小机器人供使唤。Not only does Robart III have a gun, it has a team of spider "slave" bots.

他尽量轻地把它举起来,因为他那双手痛得不听使唤了。He lifted it as lightly as he could because his hands rebelled at the pain.

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汤姆第一次开车时,紧张得手脚都不听使唤了。When Tom first drove his car, he was all thumbs because of his nervousness.

什么!看上去简直是万里长征。我的腿已经不听使唤了。Oh, dear! But it looks ten thousand more. My legs don't seem to be mine now.

万圣节之夜,我把我的狗打扮成猫的样子,于是,它都不听我使唤了。I dressed my dog up as a cat for Halloween. Now he won't come when I call him.