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这可不妙,对吧And that's not great, right?

不幸的是,目前迹象不妙。The signs, sadly, are not good.

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情况不妙,请电告补救方案。Matter turning worse advise what remedy.

而且现在的世界经济危机的情况也很不妙,world economics aren't perfect right now,

情况对我们愈来愈不妙了。Things are looking bluer than ever for us.

少于三个慈善性职位那可就不妙了。Fewer than three charities does not cut it.

少于三个公益性职位那可就不妙了。Fewer than three chari-ties does not cut it.

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钟离一看情况不妙,于是冲了过去。Clock from a see things start to go wrong, then.

他看到情况不妙,主动要求找扁鹊来治病。He sees things, active request to find cures textual.

河野满一看不妙拔腿就往楼上跑。Kono with a bad look and and ran upstairs. Iron peak haze?

当男孩们知道大事不妙时,纷纷逃离现场。When the boys realised what had happened, they fled the scene.

或者再举一个例子。你觉得天气看起来不妙。Or this one. You can see that the weather doesn't look so great.

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这是什麽时辰,萨瓦尔!有啥不妙的事情吗?You here at this hour, Saval! Has some accident happened to you.

看起来不妙,伙计。德克萨斯,俄克拉荷马州,堪萨斯州仍处于缺雨状态。Not looking good, folks. Still not enough rain in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas.

同样地,如果她跟另一个男人产生感情上的联系,也是大事不妙。I'd feel equally as awful if she had an emotional connection with another guy.

我一看情况不妙,赶紧把一勺白米饭塞进她喷火的嘴里。Seeing her suffering, I immediately brought a spoonful of rice to her burning mouth.

方跑回他所住的小区报警,那两个歹徒眼看不妙就跑了。After Fang ran into his apartment complex, the two men left and he called the police.

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不妙的是,哈塔米还要求处死所谓的“暴徒领导人”。Ominously, Khatami also called for the execution of what he called "rioters' leaders".

他们知道事情有些不妙,但是他们的长官只是表现得有一点惊慌。They knew things were not going well, but from their leader there was a whiff of panic.

罪犯被抓获,他感到不妙,这下可要蹲监狱了。The criminal had been captured, and now he had the threat of prison hanging over his head.