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顶着那疾风暴雨,我与你相伴。Through howling winds and driving rains, To be by your side.

在疾风暴雨中,这只小船撞在岩石上。In a furious storm the little boat was dashed against the rocks.

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据说鲨鱼两次靠近他,随后他消失在疾风暴雨般的噬咬中。It was seen approaching him twice before he disappeared in a flurry of thrashing.

这疾风暴雨的日子里,正是狂歌起舞的时间!The days, raging with roaring winds and thunderstorms, are the right time of dancing and singing in frenzy.

这些具有标志性的攻击行动通常协作良好,会有几位自杀式炸弹袭击者疾风暴雨般冲进建筑物,然后引爆身上的炸弹。The movement's signature attack is well co-ordinated and includes several suicide bombers, who storm into buildings before detonating their bombs.

在我看来,自信是远行的马达,是雄鹰的翅膀,它推动着我们在滔天巨浪中前进,引领着我们在疾风暴雨中翱翔。To me, confidence is a motor for a long trip, a wing for a tercel . Confidence pushes us to go forward in monstrous wave and guide us to soar in high wind storm.

虽然多是老歌,但编配的几段钢琴和鼓疾风暴雨般的情境音乐令人很兴奋。Although there are several old songs go through all the drama, the new pieces which played by piano and drum to be like summer storm fascinated audiences very much.

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莫拉克现已减弱为热带风暴,但其所带来的疾风暴雨已使几百万人受灾,并造成数亿英镑的损失。Morakot has now weakened to a tropical storm, but high winds and torrential rain have affected millions of people and caused hundreds of millions of pounds worth of damage.

过渡性往往和不稳定性联系在一起,因此,青少年时期容易产生亲予冲突,被有的学者称之为亲子关系危机期、疾风暴雨期。Transition is always correlated with unstability, so parent-adolescent conflicts are much more and far stronger in adolescence, which is called parent-child relationship crisis period.

匈牙利债务违约忧虑初露端倪,周五的美国非农就业数据也有点让人失望,让市场在经历两个月的疾风暴雨后逐步回归冷静的脚步戛然而止.A new worry about debt default in Hungary and some moderately disappointing U.S. jobs data on Friday acted as a brake on what had been a gradual return of composure after a rough couple of months.

疾风暴雨的社会现实,坎坷的人生经历,来自女性自身的体验与萧红独特的个性气质,成就了萧红具有浓厚悲剧色彩的艺术品格。Xiao Hong lived in an unstable society, her life was full of ups and downs. As a female she has special experience and she has a special individual character. This achieves Xiao Hong's style of art.