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他招手要我进去。He beckoned me in.

未来在向我们招手。The future is beckoning.

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托斯卡纳山城镇招手。Tuscan hill towns beckon.

他向她招手告别。He waved good-byes to her.

我笑了笑也向她招了招手。I waved back with a smile.

他冲我招招手。He rushed me recruit waved.

她向侍者招手。She motioned to the waiter.

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彼得笑着招手让他进去。Peter smiled and waved him in.

那卫兵招手让我们往前走。The guard beckoned us forward.

他向我招手要我走进房间。They beckoned me into the room.

赵伯韬笑了笑,就招手。Chao Po-tao smiled and beckoned.

她转过身,朝我招了招手。She turned around and waved at me.

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他招手把另一姓罗的保镖叫过来。He beckoned a second bodyguard, Lou.

孩子们向老师招手。The children waved to their teacher.

我们走吧。司机在向我们招手呢。Let's go. The driver is waving to us.

他从街对面向我招手。He beckoned me from across the street.

看来我们得招手搭便车了。Evidently we have to hitch a passing car.

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另外,夏日炎炎,沙滩在向你招手。Plus, it's summer, and the beach beckons.

我冲他招招手,然后赶紧起身。I waved my hand at him and quickly stood up.

另一种较常见的手势是招手。Another common gesture is that for beckoning.