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陷入一场你争我夺的约会战。You become embroiled in competitive dating battles.

足球场上你争我夺。Each scrambled for the football at the football ground.

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摄影师、时装模特和歌唱演员们为了名利你争我夺。Photographers, models and singers all jostled for money and fame.

这样的官僚间的你争我夺看起来可能是无关紧要的琐碎小事。Such bureaucratic hair-pulling might seem petty, were so much not at stake.

我也是他们当中的一员,夹在那些你争我夺、混战着的身躯当中,一场生活的拼搏。I am among them, among their battling bodies in a medley, the joust of life.

我对社会上的你争我夺非常烦恼,因而放弃了我的工作来到中国教学。I have got so tired of the race that I left my job and came to China to teach.

邻州之间的你争我夺也造成了一些轻微的政治动荡。The two neighboring states' vying for Apple's millions has caused some slight political upheaval, as well.

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如果员工们感觉到了他们所做的工作有价值而且得到赏识,就不太可能为了职位你争我夺。If employees feel valued and appreciated for the work they do, they're less likely to jockey for position and start fights.

最后一轮中,在一系列你争我夺的相互抢道中,所有人都跌跌撞撞,就这样为他进入决赛铺平道路。On the last round, in a series, getting in each other's way, everyone blundered, thus paving the way to the final for Bradbury.

当你被击中时,小刀会脱手,看着你和敌人为了一把小刀你争我夺真叫人着急。It gets more irritating when both you and the enemy are scrambling for the knife that got knocked out of your hand when you were hit.

是要停止继续你争我夺还是团结起来对抗我们共同的威胁——我们的命运,我们共同的财富,完全取决于我们自己。Whether we end up fighting one another or whether we work together to confront common threats—our fate, our common wealth, is in our hands.

业界资深人士、甚至是竞争对手均质疑SEC控诉高盛一案是否做得太过火了些,但在你争我夺的投资银行界,嗜血氛围油然而生.Industry veterans and even direct competitors wonder whether the SEC has overreached in its case against Goldman but in the shark tank that is investment banking, dealmakers smell blood.