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这台望远镜拥有三台高灵敏度的红外照相机。sensitive infrared cameras.

象质指示器当量灵敏度。Equivalent I. Q. I. sensitivity.

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高灵敏度低泄漏选择。High-Low leak sensitivity selector.

分析讨论了获得高灵敏度磁传感的途径。It is discussed how to obtain high sensitivity.

平均声压灵敏度为-162。The average acoustic pressure sensitivity is-162.

在设置里把灵敏度调高就没问题了。Turning it up in the settings solved that problem.

家庭作业是为了磨炼你的勇气,锻炼你的灵敏度。Homework is to build your nerve. You need some cunning.

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为增大灵敏度,设计了一种折弯形的压敏电阻。The snake sensitive resistance is sensitiver to pressure.

高灵敏度麦克风的内部调整声学吉他。High-sensitivity internal mic for tuning acoustic guitars.

高灵敏度的彩色光到电压转换器。红色滤镜。High-sensitivity color light-to-voltage converter. Red filter.

该方案对提高灵敏度以及防止误动是有利的。The new scheme can improve sensitivity and avoid ma1-operation.

他说,该测试的成功将取决于其灵敏度。The success of the test will depend on its sensitivity, he says.

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该方法使用的样品量少,操作简单,灵敏度高。The method is less sample, simple operation and high sensitivity.

该法具有灵敏度高、分辨率好等特点。This method had the merits of high sensitivity and resolvability.

照相机使用自动灵敏度时,图片的ISO图像信息将被保存。ISO EXIF value for images saved when automatic sensitivity in use.

传感器具有高灵敏度和高的工作温度。The sensor has high sensitivity and elevated operation temperature.

与摄动法灵敏度对比,支路合成法具有快速准确的优点。Comparing with perturbation method, BSM is more quickly and accurate.

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PCR技术极大地提高了检测生物检材的灵敏度。PCR has increasingly improved sensitivity to detect biological staff.

当然,我们要用灵敏度尽可能高的扬声器。Of course we use a loudspeaker with a sensitivity as high as possible.

类似的在光学方面的增益灵敏度控制的技术已经被人们掌握。A similar gain in sensitivity has been achieved in the control of light.