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作为根用户登录。Log in as root.

这个用户是谁?Who is the user?

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到你的用户中去。Go to your users.

单用户模式。Single-user mode.

什么是用户角色?What is a persona?

作为匿名用户登录。A login as anonymous.

你如何跟踪用户?How do you track users?

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用户表的名称。Name of the user table.

将添加一个用户库。A user library is added.

输入用户和口令。Enter user and password.

我查杀的用户之一。I am one of avira users.

用户按了“取消”按钮。Press DVOM button on DRB.

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但是你的用户是很忙的。But the user is in a rush.

人人网的用户非常活跃。RenRen's users are active.

需要2分用户类型。Requires 2 sub-user types.

用户名称无效!User name-ul este invalid!

用户只为自己需要的东西付费。You pay for what you need.

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访问单用户模式。Access to single-user mode.

这应有用户决定吧,我想。I guess its upto our users!

注册用户登录区。Registered user login area.