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然而,综观目前研究,学者多聚焦于雍正帝的功业。However, the present studies focus on the successes of Yong-Cheng.

综观夏目漱石一生的创作,他塑造了不少女性形象。Natsume Sousaki has created many images of the female sex in his works.

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综观张抗抗的文学创作,得知人终必向人的神性忏悔。From Zhang Kangkang's works, we will ultimately repentant to the divinity of humity.

综观现有的文献,对美元贬值及对现行国际货币体系的研究,都存在一定的局限性、片面性。The literature, which is about the US dollar and the PIMS, to some extent, has bias.

细看这张脸留下了岁月的痕迹,综观人生,我仍不知道它的去向。I know the years are showing , Look at this life , I still don't know where it's going.

综观历史,伟大的思想家们利用他们的创造力和想象力来改变世界。Throughout history, great thinkers have used their creativity and imagination to change.

当然,综观历史,我们知道“正义战争”这一概念几乎没有被看到过。Of course, we know that for most of history, this concept of "just war" was rarely observed.

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综观国外农地保护采取的政策与措施,既有特殊性,又有共性。Policies and measures of farmland preservation abroad are both diverse and have some commonness.

综观历史,伟在的思想家动用他们的创造能力和想象力来改变世界。Throughout history, great thinkers have used their creativity and imagination to change to world.

综观萧友梅一生,可以发现他的所有音乐经历与音乐活动都和音乐教育分不开。In Xiao-Youmei's life, we can find all of his musical activities were relation to musical education.

综观教育改革史,古今中外的每次重大的教育改革都是以课程观念的变革为先导的。The changing of curriculum ideas play the guiding role in every important education reform of history.

在这颗蓝色星球上,若要综观这种由兽到人的转变历程是如何发生的,再也找不到比中阿瓦什还要更完美的地方了。There is no single better place on Earth to see how this transformation took place than the Middle Awash.

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综观上述,痹症的治疗必须要有耐心,要持续的蜂疗,就会有很好的疗效。Looking above, the polio treatment must have patience, to continue the Apitherapy, will have good results.

综观上述,可见打坐、默想、禅修是全人类所共同拥有的资产,是不分民族,不分地域,更是毫无宗教思想之分的。So, sitting in meditation and Zen is a common asset of humanity, regardless of nations, race and religion.

综观实行这一制度的世界各国,美国的中小学校长证照制度是比较完善的。In the worldwide countries who choose and establish the institution, America does a better job than others.

综观2007年的中篇小说,其叙事编码的基因变异是非常突出的特征,尤其是“底层叙事”的结构性变化。A survey has showed that novellas in 2007 are characterized by the gene variation in narrative and coding, esp.

然而,综观李白的从政历程,他却屡遭挫折,政治上一无所成。However, viewing his political course as a whole, LI Bai failed several times and achieved nothing in politics.

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并主张从综观的角度,即语言的、社会文化的、认知的视角对语言的使用进行理解和阐释。Furthermore, it takes into account the full complexity of its linguistic, social-cultural and cognitive factors.

综观中国洋泾浜英语的发展历史,它可以分为别琴英语和中国英语两个主要阶段。From the perspective of history, Pidgin Chinese English involves two stages of Pidgin English and Chinese English.

综观古今中外小说大师,几乎每一位成功的大作家都是风情画小说的创作者。Making a comprehensive suruey of great writer's novel you can find that none is not in Character and style picture.