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成绩弥补?To recover the grade?

希望可以考出优异的成绩啦!I hope it can be true!

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你的总平均成绩是多少?What is your G. P. A. ?

成绩一踏糊涂!Results a step careless!

仅用17年就能达到这种成绩。And it only took 17 years.

她以优异成绩毕业。She graduated with honors.

他在学校成绩很好。He is doing well at school.

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他的测验成绩不错。His exam results were good.

它取得的成绩也不错The results have been okay.

成绩都在平均水平以上。They are all above average.

你玩视频游戏的成绩总是很差吗?Always stunk at video games?

我托福考试成绩很高。I got a high score on TOEFL.

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他嫉妒我的成绩。She begrudged him his youth.

成绩都在平均分以上。They were all above average.

不过大部分人成绩都不错But most people do very well.

这些成绩是如何取得的呢?How have these been achieved?

我想要一个满意的成绩。I want a satisfactory result.

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如果你的LSAT成绩很高,If you have a high LSAT score

他们冷不防向我提了一个成绩。They popped a question at me.

把这看成成绩的赌注Think of this as a grade bid.