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有多少往事不堪回首?How many Forget the past?

我明白了。杜才是我的未来。而黄只是我不堪回首的往事。I though D is my my future. HMH a part of my past.

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但20年前却有很多人担心这个时期将会不堪回首。But 20 years ago many feared that it would be a horror story.

我们也许有个不堪回首的过去,但足够幸运的是还有个洁白无瑕的未来。We may have an ugly past but luck enough we have a spotless future.

又如卢安达,我们再回想,真的是不堪回首。Thinking back to Rwanda memories arise that are truly unbearable to recall.

微风带走的,是不堪回首的昨天,岁月带不走的,却是长久的依恋。Breeze away, is in yesterday, the time take not to go, it is long-term attachment.

小马驹向林婴婴讲述了家族遭受劫难后不堪回首的往事。The foal to Lin Ying baby tells the story of the family after disaster in the past.

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那段不堪回首不可忘却的战争岁月,使得很多热血青年誓言,“决不去日本”。Those unforgettable moments make many youths in china claim that never go to Japan.

最终,西班牙似乎已准备面对其不堪回首的过往。Finally, it seems, Spain is ready to confront a horrifying aspect of its recent past.

不堪回首的圣诞节,不堪回首的生日,用泪水和安定药迎接新年。The worst Christmases, the worst birthdays, New Year's Eves brought by tears and Valium.

我刚经历了一段不堪回首的感情,我不希望太过着急开始另一段恋情。I’ve just gotten out of a bad relationship and I don’t want to start anything too hastily.

科拉松想起她不堪回首的阅历,终于解体了,割脉自杀。Cora loose remembered her experience, finally unbearable to recall the disintegration of the pulse suicide, cut.

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在她的书里她记述了约四十年前,她收到了两张足以改变她的人生的“判决书”,那样的日子简直不堪回首。In her book, she describes that awful day, almost 40 years ago, when she received two pieces of life-changing news.

晓燕啊,二十八年的往事已不堪回首,从这封信里,我完全读懂了你。Xiaoyan, it's unbearable to recall the bygones of twenty-eight years. This letter makes me completely understand you.

在成为一个农业大国和主要的蛋白质生产国的过程中,中国克服了不堪回首的历史遗留问题。In becoming an agricultural powerhouse, and a leading protein producer, China is overcoming a bitter historical legacy.

她带着一种冷静的口吻,回顾她生命中的这段岁月,那几个月不堪回首的痛苦和折磨。And she looks on this period of her life, the months of incredible pain and suffering, with a kind of distant pragmatism.

很快,我就拥有了只有很少一部分作家才可以体会到的声望和成功。那些曾经的不堪回首的阴影便成了耀眼的镁光灯。Instantly I had the kind of fame and success that few writers ever experience. The shadows had turned into dazzling limelight.

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她就像一个背负欺辱的受害者,始终在一种不堪回首的状态中存在着。The palace was like a victim that had been bullied, and all along it has existed as something that you could hardly bear to look at.

记忆不堪回首,早已是残破不堪。不忍回忆。来去匆匆,我们都奔向了各自的生活。Memory cannot bear to think of the past, is already broken. Can not bear to recall. In a hurry, we all rushed to the respective life.

站在金边审判庭防弹玻璃后面的,是一位现年79岁、曾经是工程师的年迈力衰的老人,他在陈述S-21集中营里不堪回首的往事。Standing behind bulletproof glass in a courtroom in Phnom Penh, the former engineer, now a frail 79-year-old, recalled the agony of jail S21.