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没有哪样东西能够取代自爱。Nothing can replace self love.

自爱使人生纯洁。Self-love makes your life pure.

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宽恕是自爱之行。Forgiveness is an act of self-love.

仅因为自爱自恋就甘愿断子绝孙?Of his self-love, to stop posterity?

鸟自爱巢,人爱家。People love the birds from the nest.

自爱,恐惧,自我保护。C. Self-love, Fear and Self-protection.

同性爱,实质是人类的自爱。The same sex, the real human self-love.

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自爱是伟大的奉献者。Self-love is the greatest of flatterers.

自爱这罪恶占据着我的眼睛。Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye.

适当的自爱是爱别人的动力来源。Proper self-regard resources other-regard.

自知不自见,自爱不自贵。It does not see itself, not from your love.

自爱是对虐待和背叛义正词严的拒绝。Self-love is saying no to abuse and betrayal.

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这是一种自爱、自恋的表现。This is a form of self-admiration, narcissism.

它的尊严与自爱比我的更强烈。It has dignity and self-love stronger than mine.

你是害怕的——你的自爱心理使你害怕出大错。You ARE afraid -- your self-love dreads a blunder.

懂得自爱,才能得到他人的友谊。Knowing self-love, one can gain other's friendship.

懂得自爱,应该明白自负和骄傲都是自爱的对立面。Know Love – ego and pride, are the opposites of Love.

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所罗门也许会回答说爱也是自爱之一道。Solomon would reply that love forms a part of wisdom.

这些暴发户-克拉克夫妇和海多克夫妇-简直不知自爱。These upstarts-the Clarks and Haydocks-had no dignity.

如果你不洁身自爱,名声可能会受损。If you don't keep your nose clean, you may get a bloody nose.