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我只能听到低低的私语。I could detect only the merest whisper.

我心中私语,表面却显得沉默异常。I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate.

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求异的风声在林中私语。The winds of change Whisper in the trees.

我会转醒,我会再听到那切切私语。I will recover , i will hear it whisper back.

依偎在他身上,开始甜甜的切切私语。Snuggle up close to him, and whisper sweet-nothings.

昨晚上甜蜜的私语,今朝的冷绿的露珠……Lover's honeyed words last night turned into the fellness dewdrop today.

长廊上晚来人络绎不绝,私语只说与对面人儿。The gallery to people in a continuous line, whispers said only with opposite.

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这情景惹得在场的女人们切切私语,羡慕不已。He'd pose with it, whiskers twitching , wile the women cooed their admiration.

切切私语着塔夫绸的衬里还有关于老鼠的小披肩。They whispered to one another about the taffeta lining and about little mouse tippets.

我们将泛舟于日,我们将驾乘于雨。与树木私语,并崇拜那风。We'll sail the sun, we'll ride on the rain, We'll talk to the trees and worship the wind.

这些琐碎的思绪是萧萧树籁,它们在我的心里欢快地私语。These little thoughts are the rustle of leaves, they have their whisper of joy in my mind.

但是当我注意到那一座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我又仿佛听见那许多灯光的私语了。Whereas, I caught sight of that starry mountain as if to hear the whisper of those lights.

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她们像爱的私语般在影子里轻盈的舞着,在梦境中她们有如鸽子般自由自在。They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love, just dreaming of place where they're free as dove.

静夜无声,你在情人耳边倾诉的悄悄私语已经镌刻在永恒沉默的白石上。The secret whispered in the hush of night to the ear of your love is wrought in the perpetual silence of stone.

你想像着你和伴侣到90岁还疯狂相爱,相互私语着甜言密语。You envision you and your partner madly in love at 90 and still whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears.

但是当我注意到那座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我仿佛又听见了那无数的灯光的私语。However, when I gazed at that starry mountain I felt as if those countless lights were whispering with each other.

但是当我注意到那座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我仿佛又听见了那无数的灯光的私语。However, when I gazed at that starry 30 mountain I felt as if those countless 31 lights were whispering with each other.

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但是当我注意到那一座光芒万丈的星的山的时候,我又仿佛听见那许多灯光的私语了。However, when I gazed at the mountain of radiant stars, I felt as if those countless lights were whispering to each other.

如果你听到一群魅力四射且单身的女人在茶余饭后秘密私语,那么此时的话题通常都是男人。If you listen to a group of attractive, single women talking alone over dinner or drinks, the topic will always turn to MEN.

孤寂的夜虫,时断时续,稀疏的栅栏外,夜风中的玉米和高粱私语渺渺,探头张望。Lonely night worm, was on and off, and sparse fence outside, the night breeze whispers he corn and sorghum, probe look around.