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只是情境不同。Different situation.

因为祂看见我所见不到的情境。He seeth what I cannot see.

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在有意义的情境或上下文中说这个音。Say the sound in meaningful context.

我愿意将百合花饰放在情境之中。I put the flor-delis on the situation.

我们当然也可以想象得出其它的情境。We can conjure other teasing theories.

你对这种情境产生一种信念。B. You have a belief about the situation.

有四种典型的人质情境。There are four typical hostage scenarios.

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这种感觉很能体现X先生诗的情境。This feeling is just Mr. X's situation in poem.

小时候的情境一幕幕在脑海里乱转。When the situation of scenes in mind wandering.

这是一个反直觉和理想状态的情境。This is, counter-intuitively, an ideal situation.

然而,用例和情境有局限性。However, use cases and scenarios have limitations.

这里有这样一个小故事,正好描述了这一情境。Here's a little story that illustrates this situation.

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如同那个情境下编排的小说一样。It's as if she is writing fiction there in that scene.

问题是我们如何创造积极情境。The question is how do we create a positive situation.

这就是通常我们说的“情境领导”。This is often referred to as “situational leadership”.

回顾历史,也很难找到与此相似的情境了。But it is hard, also, to think of a parallel in history.

在这种情境之下,生活总是糜烂的,肉感的。Life is always mushy and sensual under these conditions.

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精神官能症就是起源于那个原初情感情境。The neurosis arose from the original affective situations.

可是,这个情境并不就是等于是宇宙洪荒开始时的情境。But this isn't tantamount to the beginnings of a cosmology.

Milgram用了情境的力量来解释实验结果。Milgram explained his results by the power of the situation.