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──评价你的论断。Evaluate your judgments.

不过随着新琥珀化石的发现,这一论断变得不再确定。That’s no longer certain.

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这个论断当然是无法证实的。This thesis is unprovable, of course.

过去的几个月证明了这个论断。The past few months have proved him right.

这是一个让所有人感到违心的论断。This is, of course, a counterintuitive argument.

而任何相反的论断都是完全不真实的。Any assertion to the contrary is simply not true.

这一论断在科学管理中得到了确证。This has been confirmed in scientific management.

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尽量让他保持骄傲,论断,不悔改的状态,越久越好。Keep him in that state of mind as long as you can.

李约瑟的论断比较直率。Needham's argument was relatively straightforward.

他也必须容忍无畏武侠的论断。He had to endure snide remarks by the Furious Five.

只能将所思、所想、所念寄予文章来论断是非。Can think, think, read the conclusion is not expected.

这位律师援引了一个以前的案例来证实他的论断。The lawyer cited a previous case to support his argument.

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霍布士论断,因为所有这些理由,君主制最完善。For all these reasons, Hobbes concludes, a monarchy is best.

即将发表的3年随访数值也证实了这一论断。The soon-to-be-published 3-year follow-up data confirm this.

弟子在一次老子论断研讨会上全神领会The disciples were absorbed in a discussion of Lao-tzu's dictum

这个科学论断的提出具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。The presentation is of great significance to theory and reality.

江总书记“七一”重要讲话,内涵丰富,思想深刻,提出了许多新思想、新观点、新论断。At present, the purpose for us to study the important address of "Jul."

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间接论断句经常是省略了言语举动前缀的言语举动。The indirect apodosis is often a speech act without a speech-act prefix.

如今事实野证明他的论断是正确的,这远不止一个将军的智慧。And now it turns out that his statement was more than just a folksy quip.

但在技术高度发展、媒体高度发达的现代社会,这样的论断已经不合时宜。With the development of times such judgment has been already unseasonable.