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这样看来,投资者纷纷投身债券市场也就不足为怪了吧?Is it any wonder that investors are barging into bonds?

电脑修理业繁荣起来就不足为怪了。It's no surprise that computer repair companies are thriving.

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所以那些国家欢迎美国的航空母舰,也就不足为怪了。No wonder those countries welcome American aircraft-carriers.

这也不足为怪,因为连撒但也装作光明的天使。And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.

这样看来,悍马成为中国品牌也不足为怪了。So it actually seems fitting that Hummer will be a Chinese brand.

这也不足为怪.因为连撒但也装作光明的天使。And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

他们想拔掉这根肉中刺是不足为怪的。It is not surprising that they should seek to remove this thorn in their side.

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布尔克的经历也许不能代表大多数商户,但也不足为怪。Burke's experience may not represent the majority of businesses' but it's not surprising.

如果真是这样,则壁画中仕女“如唐代仕女画翻版”,也就不足为怪了。If so, then the mural in the ladies "If the copy of the Tang Dynasty Paintings, " not surprising.

在卫生机构和新闻媒体的信息混杂而来的情况下,这不足为怪。It’s no wonder, with all the seemingly mixed messages coming out of health agencies and news organizations.

结果难以让人明白,也是不足为怪的,因为那时的意图本身就不清楚。That the result was not clear is not to be wondered at, for neither was the attempt then clear unto itself.

考虑到她们在环境方面的经历的本质不同,海伦和格拉迪丝之间的差异也就不足为怪了。Considering the nature of their environmental experiences, the differences in Helen and Gladys are not surprising.

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此举也不足为怪,因为早在1987年,印第安纳州立法机构就曾试图重新规定π的值,此次只不过是延续了“光荣传统”而已。It's in the grand lawmaking tradition of the Indiana state legislature's 1897 attempt to redefine the value of pi.

因此,对这种小小的三肽物质有如此多已经作过及进行中的研究也就不足为怪了。It is not surprising that so much research has been done, and is still being done on this small tripeptide molecule.

也叫做账号锁定,不足为怪的是,攻击者发现了一个简单的方法来战胜上述方案。This is called account lock-out, and not surprisingly, attackers have discovered a simple way to defeat the approach.

现在的读者往往只是走马观花地看亮点,所以写短文效果更好不足为怪。Visitors today often skim articles looking for the juicy section so it's no surprise shorter paragraphs perform well.

由于它的名声与魅力加上电视实况转播,奥斯卡之夜有这样丰富的娱乐盛况也就不足为怪了。With the combination of glamour, fame and live television, it is no wonder the night provides such great entertainment.

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在这种情况下,留任记者的工作负担加重是不足为怪的。Below this kind of circumstance , the working accentuation of reporter of remain in office is insufficient for what blame.

活跃在运动场上的运动员是那样的名扬遐尔,而一旦结束了体育生涯,就很快被人们所遗忘,这是不足为怪的。It is not unusual for an athlete to be well-known while he is active and quickly forgotten when his athletic career is over.

遭受暴力的妇女更容易流产或进行人工流产,这不足为怪。Unsurprisingly, women in violent relationships are significantly more likely to suffer miscarriages, or to undergo abortion.