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它可能是缓冲液。It could be a buffer.

唾液是一种缓冲溶液。Saliva is a buffered solution.

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你必须有一些缓冲。You have to have some buffers.

是输出缓冲地。GND is the device internal ground.

二级高速缓冲存储器有错误。An error in the level2 cache memory.

落地时,这只梅杜扎的身体起到缓冲作用。The Meduza's body cushioned the fall.

气枕可以缓冲冲击力。The air pillow can absorb the impact.

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现在缓冲作用不复存在,快钱变成了沉重的债务。Easy money has turned into heavy debt.

盎格鲁-撒克逊人没有这样的缓冲。The Anglo-Saxons have no such cushion.

解除敌对国之间缓冲区域的军事管制。The bush acted as a cushion to my fall.

这是直接触发,无缓冲的。This was direct generation, unbuffered.

建立睡前“缓冲期”。Establish a wind-down period before bed.

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其五可暂存缓冲托盘。Fifthly it can be used to buffer pallet.

可能是缓冲液可能含有盐。It could be a buffer, it could have salt.

鞋中间层提供了鞋的缓冲。The midsole supplies a shoe's cushioning.

这比缓冲功能变化更多。These vary more than cushioning features.

开关电源的缓冲电路。Snubber circuit of switching power supply.

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删除缓冲目录中未投递的邮件吗?Remove undelivered mails in spool directory?

第三现场表演的过程中缓冲。The third scene shows the process of spooling.

为什么不分配一个更大的缓冲池呢?Why not allocate a bigger buffer pool instead?