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我对网上聊天上瘾。I'm addicted to net-chat.

当然,爱上瘾听上去更顺耳。Love addict sounds nicer for sure.

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好吧,我承认,我对咖啡因有点上瘾了。I admit it. I’m hooked on caffeine.

它非常容易上瘾,就像咖啡因一样。It's very addicting, like caffeine.

投资驱动的增长是让人上瘾的。Investment-driven growth is addictive.

东奔西忙的创业生活让人上瘾The buzz of startup life is addictive.

有时流量数据会让人上瘾。Traffic data can be addicting at times.

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咖啡因像任何毒品一样能够使人上瘾。Caffeine can be addicting like any drug.

摇头丸上瘾是什么意思?What does it mean to be addicted to MDMA?

她吃镇静剂已经上瘾了。She had become addicted to tranquillizers.

我们再来看一个,因为我已经对这样的模型上瘾了。Let's do one more because I am having a ball.

派恩称,这和很多其它上瘾行为的后果类似。Sounds a lot like other addictions, Pine said.

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卸载掉让你上瘾的购物应用程序Uninstall shopping apps that you are hooked on

它好像也与一些上瘾症状有关。It's also been associated with some addictions.

所以我也开始用,而且已经上瘾了。And so, I ended up using it, and it's caught on.

损害性上瘾的一般特征Common Characteristics of Destructive Addictions

我并不知道“上瘾”是否是正确的言语。Whether addictive is the right word I don't know.

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很多人会为此上瘾。In fact, for many people it can be very addicting.

到目前为止,这些规定使我们还不至于上瘾。So far the rules have kept us safe from addiction.

如果你对什么东西上瘾,你就要在生活中与之斗争。And when you have an addiction, you struggle with it.