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因此,解决合唱中的音准问题势在必行。So, it is imperative to solve the intonation problem in chorus.

钢琴比大多数弦乐乐器音准。Pianos stay in tune much better than most stringed instruments.

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吉他手随时都可以重新调整螺旋来改变音准。The guitarist can change the tuning anytime simply by readjusting the screws.

同伴赫曼向大师提出有关音准调整和补偿弦长的问题。Germán asked him about compensating the string length against pitch distortion.

哼唱摇篮曲一定要优美、动听,并注意音准。Singing a lullaby must be beautiful, pleasant, and pay attention to intonation.

声乐准备清唱。不需要伴奏音频等等。我们需要准确听到音准。Please sing without accompaniment, we need to hear your pitch and phrasing clearly.

弦轴板的作用是保证钢琴音准的稳定。The function of Board of string spindle is to ensure the stabilization of intonation.

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他们的音准堪称模范,音乐的表现力丰富而有生命。The intonation was exemplary and there was life and intensity in the musical expression.

阿什顿的新的放大器确定一个新基调和音准。Ashton's new powerful bluetongue amplifiers set a new benchmark for tone and affordability.

马修唱歌不跑调而且能够识别旋律类似的歌曲,所以音准难不倒他。Mathieu sings in tune and recognizes familiar melodies, so musical pitch doesn't elude him.

接着他试着解决如何用弹簧来使6根琴弦都处于绝对正确的音准状态。Next he attempted to figure out how to keep all six strings in absolute tune using springs.

我爱人还花了一个半小时的时间教她如何把握节奏和音准。And my wife spent one hour and a half in teaching her how to grasp the rhythm and intonation.

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旧弦发出的音准缺乏一致性,而且旧弦的震动频率不够均衡,新弦在弹奏时能尽现其伸展绷紧的张力。Old strings lose their uniformity and do not vibrate evenly. New strings stretch flat as you play.

在歌唱艺术实践活动中,歌唱音准现象的背后,隐藏着导致音准失控的原因很多也很复杂。In the concrete practice of sing art, many complex reasons leads to sing note accuray out of control.

最后,硬橡胶单簧管的价格是任何绿线单簧管的一般,而且音准方面问题少很多。Finally, it is less than half the price of any Greenline clarinet, and suffers much less in terms of intonation.

为保证钢琴音准与音质的完美,我们的琴弦是采用德国勒斯劳ROSLAU最高等级的专用琴弦。In order to guarantee piano intonation and perfect sound quality, we are using top exclusive Germany ROSLAU string.

律学在合唱中的应用是近些年来在合唱界中较为普遍关注的一个问题,它与合唱的音准密不可分。As a problem given much attention in recent years, temperament in chorus application is related to chorus intonation.

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钢琴的音准至关重要,作为调律师掌握一定的物理知识是非常必要的。Intonation of piano is vital importance. It's fairly necessary for a piano tuner to master a certain physical knowledge.

我们认为对于刚开始学习单簧管的学生而言,使用一支音准标准的单簧管十分重要,布菲十分关注这点。It's very important for student to start with right instrument with good tuning and make sure that Buffet Crampon focus a lot on it.

首先以长音开始,以饱满的音色演奏乐器音域内的每一个音。慢慢去体会并确保每个音的音准。Play a chromatic scale for the full range of the instrument in long tones, taking the time to check and correct each note's intonation.