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这间博物馆信息性与娱乐性兼备。This museum offers both information and amusement.

是一个攻防兼备的综合性选手。Is a comprehensive offensive and defensive players.

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巴臣不只才貌兼备,还有精明的生意头脑。Bachchan is beautiful, talented and also shrewd in business.

严肃与搞笑兼备,还挺新的,才第二季。The show is relatively new, and is now in its second season.

我们大多数人都是两者兼备的,但会倾向于其中一种。Most of us have a little of both in us, but lean one way or the other.

留有诗集一部,是住文武兼备的将军。He wrote a book of poetry, and he was a both civil and military general.

人物形神兼备,衣纹流畅,富有不同的质感。Character portraits, the clothing lines smooth, full of different texture.

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测量和制作兼备中、英文的海图。Hydrographic surveys and nautical charts follow the standards set by the IHO.

“攻防兼备、持重守御”是其民族关系思想的重要内容。Offensive and defensive is the important part of ethnic relationship thoughts.

纵观人类历史的绝大部分时期,闪电兼备恐怖与神秘的双重面孔。Throughout most of history, lightning was as much a mystery as it was a terror.

航母编队具有攻防兼备的多种作战能力。Aircraft carrier fleet has diversiform campaign abilities for attack and defense.

“神形兼备”的表演在民族声乐演唱中是不容忽视的。The expression physique performance can't be ignored in the traditional vocal music.

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蒸炒兼备又是本设备的特点之一。The combingtion of steaming and roasting is also one of the features of this machine.

假如居室面积较小,兼备坐卧功能的沙发床是一个不错的选择。If bedroom area is lesser , have both sit lie sofa bed of the function is a right choice.

灵活和坚韧不拔是创业家最重要的特质,而斯科特•金尼两者兼备。Flexibility and tenacity are key entrepreneurial traits, and Scott Keeney has both in spades.

因此对中国移动的品牌营销策略进行研究,兼备理论意义和现实意义。Thus, the analysis of CMCC's brand marketing strategies has both academic and practical meaning.

艺术投资是一个需有商业专业知识并兼备一定艺术品位的行业。Art investing is an industry that requires both business expertise and a taste in artistic style.

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在具同形孢子的植物中,只有一种雌雄性器官兼备的原叶体类型。In homosporous plants, there is only one type of prothallus with both male and female sex organs.

现在安坝省35个党派中的被提名者都被强调要么有部落背景、要么有觉醒运动背景,或两者兼备。Now many of Anbar's 35 parties carry names that emphasize either tribal or Awakening ties, or both.

朕羡慕你,有这样识大体明事理,且文武兼备的儿子。I envy you for giving such a personable and astute son gifted in both cultural and military affairs.