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熔岩从一个新坑洞内喷出。特纳火山锥在意大利西西里。Lava spews from a new cone on Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.

这些火山锥在大小和形状上与在冰岛发现的火山锥颇为相似。These cones are similar in size and shape to cones found in Iceland.

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此火山口里有个显示残馀火山活动的内火山锥。The crater in residual volcanic activity that the volcanic cone within.

被融化的岩石由于粘性较低,因此能轻易流到岩石层上方形成火山锥。The melted rock has a low viscosity, and it flows easily up through the overlying rock.

属复式火山锥,为火山多次喷发形成。It belongs to the polymorphous volcanic cones, and is created by repetitious volcanic eruptions.

这些火山锥是苏加塔谷和图尔卡纳湖之间火山杂岩的一部分。These cinder cones are part of a broad volcanic complex between the Suguta Valley and Lake Turkana to the north.

该岛有500个火山锥,在过去的四个月里,已经经历了超过1万次轻微的地震。The island, which has 500 volcanic cones, has already experienced more than 10,000 tremors in the past four months.

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每到一处,鲜红的火山锥和参差林立的黑色熔岩标志着小岛所经历的暴力涂炭。Everywhere, bright red volcanic cones and rugged black lava signalled the violent forces that had wrought the island.

在火山锥中,依据锥体组成与结构的差异又可进一步分为岩渣锥、溅落锥和混合锥等碎屑锥。Based on the composition and texture differences of the cones, the cones have been subdivided into scoria cone, spatter cone and mixed cone.

这个美丽的岛屿组成,海洋活珊瑚的灭绝的火山锥了几千年的发展顶部增长。This beautiful oceanic island was formed by living corals growing on top of an extinct volcanic cone that took thousands of years to develop.

居民们想到富兰克林山较高的火山锥所坠落的那片平原上去,但是岩浆把他们拦住了。The colonists were desirous of reaching the plain upon which the superior cone of Mount Franklin had fallen, but the lava arrested their progress.

弗洛勒斯岛毕纳村的房屋形状类似火山锥,立在巨石垒成的墓碑旁,生活的原始力量近在咫尺。Life’s primal forces are close at hand in Bena, on the island of Flores, where homes shaped like volcanic cones stand beside megalithic gravestones.

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实践表明该模式和地震剖面、取心等有机结合,可以确定火山锥的存在及分布状况。When these models are applied in combination with seismic profiles and core analysis, existence and distribution of the volcanic cones can be ascertained.

而今日,维斯马尼耶又恢复了昔日冰岛第一渔港的地位,小镇居民还在休眠的火山锥四周种上了植被。Today, Vestmannaeyjar is once again the premier fishing port in Iceland, and townspeople have planted grass on the lower slopes of the now-silent volcanic cone.

各种类型的火山锥、火山口、熔岩台地、熔岩流堰塞湖泊等火山地貌十分显目,构成壮丽的火山旅游景观。All types of volcanic cone, crater, lava platform, lava flow lakes and other volcanic landscape is very prominent, constitute a magnificent volcanic tourist landscape.

许多旅行是安排好时间的,这样你到达火山锥的时候还有充足的时间欣赏落日,看到滚滚红色熔岩与暮色沉沉的天空之间的鲜明对比。Many tours are timed so that you arrive at the cone of the volcano is plenty of time for sunset and the full contrast between the erupting red lava and the darkening sky.

公园内有数级熔岩台地,主要有环火山口熔岩台地、环火山锥熔岩台地和裂隙溢出的熔岩台地,面积大、坡度平缓。There are several levels of lava platform in the park, the main ring lava ring platform, ring volcanic cone lava platform and the overflow of lava platform, large area, gentle slope.

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这座湖以其生长在四周的成群蚊蚋而命名,身处湿地和多种火山地貌之中,如熔岩荒野,熔岩柱,火山锥和沸腾的泥潭等。The lake, named after the swarms of gnats that breed around it, is surrounded by wetlands and volcanic landforms, including lava fields, lava pillars, volcanic cones, and boiling mud flats.

2004年和2006年对这座火山进行观测的科学家们说,这座火山相当活跃,最近的一次爆发后形的的火山锥高达131英尺,984英尺宽。The volcano is so active that it has recently built a new cone that reaches 131 feet high and extends to 984 feet wide, said scientists who started making observations there in 2004 and 2006.

这个公园是由一万年到四百万年前火山爆发所形成的熔岩流,玄武岩高原,火山灰平原以及火山锥组成的一个壮观的火山荒野。The park is a spectacular volcanic wilderness of lava flows, basalt plateaus, cinder fields and cones formed from eruptions and basalt flows that occurred between 10,000 and 4 million years ago.