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灰土飘浮于空中。Dust floats in the air.

喷出黑烟和灰土。A volcano belches smoke and ashes.

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汤姆用大脚趾头在地上的灰土上划了一道线,说Tom drew a line in the dust with his big toe, and said

鳄鱼在淡水泥沼和泥灰土草地茁壮成长。Alligators thrive in freshwater sloughs and marl prairies.

小车沿着布满灰土公路飞驰,扬起了漫天灰尘。The car caused a cloud of dust as it went down the dirt road.

灰土垫层是处理湿陷性黄土的一种常用方法。Lime-soil cushion is a common method to deal with collapsible loess.

土壤类型对各元素背景值的影响是明显的,漂灰土带9种元素的背景值都最低。In the bleached podzolic soil the mean values cf 9 elements are all the lowest.

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慢慢地,小黄和我的衣服上就积起了一层灰土。Slowly, but surely a layer of dust keeps building up on Miss Daisy and my clothes.

常用的被动处理措施为掀开路面,清除松散土,分层回填灰土或粗沙、中沙,并夯实。The passive measure is to clean out soft soil, backfilling lime-soil or coarse sand.

用“货物自然减量”这种批注来描述磷灰土是不合适的。To use the remark "Normal loss of quantity" describing the phosphate is out of place.

依据二灰土强度增长的阶段性,提出了合理的设计龄期。The reasonable design age was put forward based on the intensity phase of lime-flyash soil.

高压水蒸气可以洗净汽车的轮胎和引擎上附着的油污,灰土,泥垢。Cleaning oil, dust, and dirt on wheels and engine as well car body with high-pressure steam.

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但是几年前的灰土病让我们的作物死了一大片,然后就再也没缓过来。But our crop got wiped out by the great Dirt Blight a few years back, and we never recovered.

比斯坎湾,与奖杯无缘,在德约科维奇面前,一头的灰土。And there would be no trophy in Key Biscayne, either, after an error-filled loss to Novak Djokovic.

本文作者将不会放弃这份遗产,因此同意接受它,哪怕是灰土尘封。The present writer will disclaim no such legacy, but hereby undertakes to accept it, however dusty.

在大厦门口,一位女士提着鞋,光着脚走到门口,其脚底全是灰土。In building entrance, a woman's shoes and garments to the door, the soles of the feet are frostbitten.

喂料的男工人已经疲惫不堪,苔丝看见他红色的后颈上沾满了灰土和麦糠。The man who fed was weary, and Tess could see that the red nape of his neck was encrusted with dirt and husks.

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灰土挤密桩是利用成孔时的侧向挤压作用使桩间土得以挤密。Lime-soil compaction piles of pile sinking compact the soil between them by lateral expanding when making holes.

塔尔顿家的猎犬一见他便从红灰土中跳起来,站在那里恭敬主子们驾到。At the sight of him, the Tarleton hounds rose up out of the red dust and stood waiting expectantly for their masters.

雌蛙一般比雄蛙大,但雄蛙颜色更华丽,从深绿到灰土色都有。Females are generally larger than males, but males are more ornately colored, ranging from dark green to lime-colored.