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漆的涂层在阳光照射下起了气泡。The paint blistered in the sun.

阳光正照射在我们脸上。The sun is shining in our faces.

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灯光从门口照射出来。A light blazed out from the door.

阳光照射进屋里,映在她的脸上。Sunlight streamed in on her face.

暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过互相。Dark light, just light each other.

月光照射着整个海湾。The moon is raying across the bay.

他遮蔽着眼睛,使其不受阳光照射。He screened his eyes from sunlight.

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柔和的阳光,照射在脸上。Gentle sunlight, irradiates on face.

灯光整日照射入客厅之中。Light pours daylong into the parlor.

超剂量照射人员中,最大累积吸收剂量为160.89拉德。The maximum load dosage was 160.89 rad.

那一滩水在太阳照射下蒸发掉了。The pool of water evaporated in the sun.

在植物种植设计中你是否考虑过阳光照射条件?Have you remembered to plant for the sun?

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烈日猛烈地照射在旅行者的头上。The hot sun glared down on the travelers.

日光的照射使颜色变淡了。The sunlight has bleached the colour out.

月光穿过云层缝隙照射下来。The moonbeam breaks through rifted clouds.

耀眼的阳光从清澈蔚蓝的天空中照射下来。The sun blazed down from a clear blue sky.

阳光照射已使颜色变淡了。The sunlight had bleached the colours out.

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让我们照射它60秒钟。We're saying let's do this for 60 seconds.

对婴儿的全身X射线照射已经做了。Full-body X-rays of babies are rarely done.

太阳透过云间的缝隙照射出来。The sun shone through a rent in the clouds.