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用擀面杖将面团擀成薄饼,用刀切成方块。Roll out thin, and then cut into biscuits squares.

石头被凿开并磨成方石板。The stone was pecked and ground into square flags.

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若做圆章,也要先成方后做圆。If the circle chapter, also want to do after a round.

废弃车辆在废车场被压成方块。The junked cars were compacted into rectangles at the junkyard.

永磁方波电机是一种新型电机,其气隙磁场设计成方波。Permanent magnet square-wave motor is a new type electrical machine.

胶原纤维聚集成方向基本一致的束样结构,称胶原纤维束。The collection of collagen fibers should be called collagen fiber bundle.

“粗成方,细成光”,过砂板要先粗后细。" Rough square, fine into light", had to first thick hind fine sand board.

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因为水星与海王星和木星成方角的意思就是的厚望。With Mercury squaring up to Neptune and Jupiter we're talking about high hopes.

下降三十英尺后,洞口扩大为一个低矮的迷宫般的、断面成方型的矮人隧道。Thirty feet later, the shaft opened into a labyrinth of low, square-cut dwarven tunnels.

硬豆腐包含的水分稍稍少一点,它可以成型切成方块状。Firm tofu contains slightly less moisture and can hold it shape enough to be cut into cubes.

作者对成方制剂医学标准修订的情况进行了总结,并提出几点建议。This paper summarized the revised contents of medical standards and suggested some propositions.

把洋葱和蘑菇切成方块状,在锅里放入大约75克的黄油,其他动植物油也可以。Cut your shallots and mushrooms into fine dice and put about 75g of butter into the pan. Other fats will do.

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有层次的和大致成方型的石块的宽选择面赋予了设计家少见的机动性。The designers are endowed with rare mobility by the widely selective surface of the stratified and square stone block.

因此,窑炉结构,烧成方法、窑具、燃料等都与中国很相似。So the struction of furnace, the way of burning, the instruments and fuels for producing ceramics have become similar to China.

一种防治代谢综合征的中药成方制剂。The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine prescription preparation for preventing and treating metabolic syndrome.

到过这里的人们都知道,这里田成方渠成网,黑土地一马平川。Know to the people that crosses here , here cropland set prescription canal into the net, black land a wide expanse of flat land.

按合金组份配制的原料用氧化铝坩埚在真空中频感应炉中熔键成方坯条,再轧制成丝坯,最后拉制成钎焊丝材。The Starting material is melted and poured into the quadrate billets, then rolled out in wire rods, finally drawn into brazing wire.

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检测分析结果表明,用辊弯直接成方成型工艺生产的大型方矩形钢管,完全可以保证焊缝质量。The result showed that great rectangular pipe produced through roll-forming method formed rectangular pipe can guarantee weld quality.

深入研究补血法,可为临床运用补血成方,创制补血新方提供理论依据。Thorough researching the nourishing blood means, we could provide theory basis for clinical utilization and the formulation of new recipes.

在生产方矩管以及其它闭口或开口型钢时,传统的成型法是先成圆后成方。For squareness pipe or other shape steel, the tradition forming technology is to be formed in round at first and then to be formed in squareness.