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绳索断了。The rope gave way.

把船头的绳索拿过来!Get out that head-line!

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我曾看见一根绳索被挂了起来。I saw a rope being dangled.

那么,枪,绳索,还是毒药?That's gun, rope, or poison?

绳索在微风中悬荡。The rope dangled in the breeze.

他们能编结绳索。They were able to braid a rope.

杰克抛出绳索套住了那头小公牛。Jack dabbed his rope on the steer.

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于是便可求得一条刚韧的绳索。When you've got a good strong rope.

这个绳索攀爬设施也粉好玩!This rope-climbing thingy is fun too!

绳索的一端垂入水中。The end of the string hung in the water.

他们把绳索穿过滑轮。They reeved the rope through the pulley.

现在床垫只吊在一根绳索上。The mattress now hung by one thread only.

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马在驯服之前要用绳索拴好。Horses were clogged until they were tamed.

他两手间绷紧的绳索微微抖动。The ropes quivered tautly under his hands.

他们还需要绳索和特种装备。They also use ropes and special equipment.

是你身上的绳索叩响我最后的渴望。Last hawser, in you creaks my last longing.

攀吊着绳索的情况下共击毙25个敌人。Kill 25 enemies while suspended from a rope.

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另外一条绳索穿过三眼木盘中心的小孔。Deadeyes formed a part of the rigging system.

杂技演员在高空绳索上保持身体平衡。The acrobat balanced himself on the high rope.

解结之前先将绳索放松。Slack the rope before trying to untie the knot.