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这只熊猫很憨厚。This is a good panda.

他才不憨厚呢!He is not simple and honest!

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一个憨厚苍老的声音传来。A simple and honest old voice.

富态,憨厚,给人以祥和的气氛。Rich state, simple and honest, giving and peaceful atmosphere.

他那憨厚的脸庞上流露出一种受到奉承而自鸣得意的傻笑。His stupid good-humored face wears a pleased and flattered simper.

是因为山里汉子的淳朴、憨厚注定了爱家的概念。Because of the simple and honest, the man was destined aika concept.

起初的印象是憨厚,略带羞涩。The inceptive impression of him is simple and honest , slightly shy.

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他是一个憨厚坦诚的人,过着靠出卖体力赚钱的贫困生活。He is an honest and frank people, living by selling physical money poverty.

精灵奇巧的雾凇千姿百态,笨拙憨厚的灌木清纯天成。Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime, the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven.

没有勾心斗角的阴云,没有争强好胜的风雨,有的仅是那点憨厚单纯的一抹绿。There is no infighting clouds, no aggressive rain, there is only the simple and pure green.

你会感受到,历经沧桑的罗泉人勤劳朴实、憨厚大方。You will feel great after the hard-working people Luoquan plain, simple and honest generous.

淑萍见他如此憨厚又懂得疼老婆,决心卖给他。Shu ping see him such a simple and honest and know hurts his wife, determined to sell it to him.

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阿德的确是一个单纯的孩子,从他那憨厚的笑容,孩子般的眼睛可以看出。Adriano is a simple child, this you can see from his simple and honest smile , from his childlike eyes.

不经意间,憨厚的大地开始不好意思起来,不断加深的颜色看出他的羞窘。Inadvertently, simple and honest earth an embarrassed, to constantly deepen the color to see his Xiujiong.

而罗志祥偶尔露出的憨厚气质,倒也可以演张无忌。But Luo Zhixiang occasionally reveals the simple and honest makings, pour may also develop open shamelessly.

事情过去一个多月,一张表情憨厚的身份证底片成了家人惟一的回忆。Things in the past month, a simple and honest expression of identity the film became the only family memories.

他性格耿直,憨厚笃诚,一心继承父志,经世济人。His upright character, simple and honest sincere Benedict, as one father Chih succession, the world Jeju people.

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他们就是聪明机智的孙悟空、贪吃懒惰的猪八戒、意志坚定的唐僧和老实憨厚的沙和尚。They are composed of smart band, eating lazy pig damage, the firm will of the Shaheshang cuddly monk and honest.

看到我完好无损的样子,憨厚的父亲二话没说,转身就消失在茫茫夜色里。Seeing me in good condition, my good-natured father went away in the darkness again without saying anything more.

杰克-吉伦哈尔诠释的骁勇善战、足智多谋的英雄角色拥有帅气的外表,湛蓝的眼眸和憨厚的笑容。Jake Gyllenhaal, as our courageous and resourceful hero, has engaging looks, with his big, blue eyes and that goofy smile.