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许多人相信这是自己的诉求上达天庭的最佳时候。Many believe it's also the best time for their prayers to be heard.

我和上了年纪,脾气温和的祖母一起住在宾夕法尼亚州的上达比。I was living with my meek old grandmother in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania.

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你隐在浓云深处,哀祷不能上达。Samech. Thou hast set a cloud before thee, that our prayer may not pass through.

据说,屋顶的最高处象征着人们的祈祷像火焰可以一直上达天庭。The domes peak is said to be like the flame of prayer reaching up toward heaven.

我们几乎闹翻,就因为在贾宝玉是否伤害了林黛玉的问题上达不成共识。lmost br oke off because we could not agree on whether Jia BaoYu hurt Lin Dai Yu?

天使对他说,你的祷告和你的周济,已经上达神面前,蒙记念了。And he said to him, Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God.

你岂能使你的声音上达云霄,使雨水沛然降在你处?Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that an abundance of waters may cover thee?

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如果没有一点断背之吻,那它也称不上达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克的作品。And it wouldn't be a Dustin Lance Black script if it didn't have a little gay kissing in it.

未曾死的人都生了痔疮。合城呼号,声音上达于天。Those who did not die were afflicted with tumors, and the outcry of the city went up to heaven.

润滑油分析技术已经有效地使用在柴油机及汽油机上达数十年之久。Oil analysis techniques have been effectively used on diesel and gasoline engines for many years.

不同教育程度与职业之熟龄族群知觉价值上达显著性差異。Significant difference in matured -aged from various education degree and occupation in perceived value.

我的祈祷上达于海洋陆地之主,祂将平静风浪,领你进入久盼的避风港!My prayer goes up to the great Lord of sea and land, that he will make the storm a calm, and bring you to your desired haven!

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一旦你上达最后一级平台的第三层,你就会置身云端,以壮观的360度环视的方式,总揽全城景色。Once you get to the third and final platform, you'll be up there among the clouds with an amazing 360-degree view of the city.

中原大学学生在学习满意度与学习成效上达显著正相关。The result of Chung-Yuan Christian University students' learning satisfaction and learning result revealed positively correlated.

人世间既已苦于不胜负荷,冥冥之中,便会有一种神秘的呻吟上达天听。When the earth is suffering from too heavy a burden, there are mysterious groanings of the shades, to which the abyss lends an ear.

这场胜利驱使雷霆队获得4比3的连胜,他们现在将对上达拉斯小牛队争取NBA的决赛权。The victory propelled the Thunder to a 4-3 series win, and they'll now take on the Dallas Mavericks for the right to go to the NBA Finals.

美国衣阿华州中东部西达河上达文堡西北偏西一城市。是重要的商业、工业和交通运输中心。人口08,75。A city of east-central Iowa on the Cedar River west-northwest of Davenport. It is a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population, 08,75.

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美国衣阿华州中东部西达河上达文堡西北偏西一城市。是重要的商业、工业和交通运输中心。人口108,751。A city of east-central Iowa on the Cedar River west-northwest of Davenport. It is a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population, 108,751.

塞达拉皮兹美国衣阿华州中东部西达河上达文堡西北偏西一城市。是重要的商业、工业和交通运输中心。人口108,751。A city of east-central Iowa on the Cedar River west-northwest of Davenport. It is a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population, 108, 751.

他鼓励非正式的传达意见,允许内阁大员以下或更低级的官员在必要时,越过上级直接将意见上达总统。He encouraged an informal arrangement that permitted even officers in sub-Cabinet levels, or lower, to bypass their superiors and reach the President when they felt it necessary.