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书册们在窃窃私语。The books are whispering.

让梦中窃窃私语的蜜蜂Let the murmurous bees of sleep

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当生命想与你的心灵窃窃私语,有时,你会没有时间去聆听……那么砖头就会落到你的头上,提醒你注意!brick at you to get your attention. Life

妇女们开始窃窃私语。The women began to whisper behind their hands.

课堂上的窃窃私语使我们的老师很恼火。The whispering in class aggravates our teacher.

人家的窃窃私语与你何干?What matters it to thee what here is whispered?

这样的话,打个比喻,神经末端就像只能窃窃私语而非正常说话。The nerve endings can only whisper, so to speak.

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在床的四周,听得到有人在叹息以及窃窃私语。I heard sighs and mysterious whisperings about my bed.

他们坐在那里窃窃私语直到后半夜。They sat there billing and cooing till after midnight.

排在他身后的两位绅士开始窃窃私语。Several rows behind him two gentlemen began whispering.

她听到他们在卧室里窃窃私语。She heard them whispering conspiratorially in the bedroom.

甚至仿佛听到他们窃窃私语,指指点点。As if even hear them to steal steal murmurous , gesticulate.

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十年过去了,他的邻居在他背后窃窃私语。After ten years his neighbors were snickering behind his back.

我是说那些窃窃私语的种族主义者待在角落里读每日纳粹报。I mean the closet racists usualy stay in the closetreading Daily Heil.

哈吉斯说当他来到片场时,斯皮尔伯格把他拉到一边窃窃私语。Haggis says that when he appeared on the set Spielberg pulled him aside.

他转到一边与站在他身边的那个人窃窃私语。He turned aside and whispered something to the man standing next to him.

神是不会被人的老眼昏花、计谋、和厨房的窃窃私语难倒的。God will not be frustrated by blindness, schemes, and whispers in the kitchen.

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你会看到女巫坐着扫帚柄飞进来,鬼怪和骷髅则在舞池中窃窃私语。Witches fly in on broomsticks, while ghosts and skeletons chat on the dance floor.

一个是郁郁寡欢离群索立,一对则情侣依偎窃窃私语。Is a retreat from unhappy cable legislation, a pair of lovers was whispering leaned.

到处窃窃私语,人人脸上露出不祥的焦虑。Whispers passed along, and a boding uneasiness took possession of every countenance.